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Africans are their own enemies (Part 2)

“A man’s enemies are those of his own household,” so the Bible says inMicah 7:6. Last week, we validated this with the treachery of top Ghanaian military and police officers in conniving with the CIA to depose Ghana’s first president, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

This week, the case of the Congolese nationalist, Patrice Lumumba whose compatriots cruelly backstabbed him buttresses the point.

They unashamedly connived with their oppressors to chase Lumumba out of office and assassinate him barely three months after gaining independence for them, depriving Africa of a gem of a leader.

He was a journalist and a poet but above all he was a freedom fighter like Nkrumah, in fact one of Nkrumah’s protégés.


He emerged when his country, then known as Belgian Congo, had suffered decades of oppressive colonial rule foisted on them by King Leopold II of Belgium in 1885 at the onset of the scramble for Africa.

The king did not only commandeer the Congo as his private property, but also enslaved and brutalised the natives, killing millions.

Those who failed to meet their quota of rubber harvest had their hands amputated.

Unwilling to submit to the regime of injustice, oppression and exploitation, Lumumba formed a political pressure group in 1958 at the age of 33 to agitate for change.


Even though he was from a minority tribe and very young, his charisma and courage attracted many heavyweights from the bigger ethnic groups to his cause.

They launched the Congolese National Movement, (Mouvement National Congolais), MNC, the first really all-Congolese political party.

In contrast, his two principal rivals, Joseph Kasavubu and MoiseTshombe, hailed from large, powerful, ethnic groups with political parties that were regional in character.

But they controlled large swathes of land populous enough to threaten Lumumba and his party despite its national character.


The same year he formed his party, Lumumba whose fame was growing with lightning speed, was invited by Dr. Nkrumah to the All-African People’s Conference in Accra held a year after securing  independence for Ghana against all odds.

After independence, Dr. Nkrumah declared that Ghana’s freedom was meaningless unless it was linked up with the total liberation of Africa.

The conference, was therefore, convened to galvanise the rest of Africa to liberate themselves from the shackles of colonialism.

Two years after the summit, following mounting pressure on Belgium, France and the United Kingdom, they consented, albeit grudgingly, to demands by the colonies for multi-party elections.


As many as 26 African countries including the Congo and most francophone colonies, gained independence.

The MNC won a sizeable majority mandating it to form a government, with Lumumba becoming the first Prime Minister at 35 years.

Kasavubu was elected ceremonial president implying that the radical, leftist Lumumba, was more powerful to the dislike of the Belgians and their Western allies, especially the US.

Like his mentor, his speeches were alarmingly fiery, sharply stinging, fearlessly uncompromising, brutally sincere, and unnervingly electrifying.


The best is the one he gave on June 30, 1960, the day the Congo was granted its independence.

That day, King Boudewijn, the last Belgian king over the Congo, added insult to injury when he said the Congolese had been granted independence because his country’s project to civilise them had been accomplished. What?

As if the Belgians had done the Congo any favour by returning their stolen freedom to them, Kasavubu docilely thanked them for independence.

But Lumumba could not stomach the nonsense and vehemently protested, exposing the savagery of the Belgians vis-à-vis their claims of civilisation.


He stressed that independence had resulted from a relentless fight and not from the magnanimity of the Belgians. Among other things, he said:

“Although, this independence of the Congo is being proclaimed today by agreement with Belgium, … no Congolese will ever forget that independence was won in struggle, a persevering and inspired struggle, carried on from day to day, a struggle, in which we were undaunted by privation or suffering and stinted neither strength nor blood.

“It was filled with tears, fire, and blood. We are deeply proud of our struggle because it was just and noble and indispensable in putting an end to the humiliating bondage forced upon us.

“That was our lot for the eighty years of colonial rule and our wounds are too fresh and much too painful to be forgotten.


“We have experienced forced labour in exchange for pay that did not allow us to satisfy our hunger, to clothe ourselves, to have decent lodgings or to bring up our children as dearly loved ones.

“Morning, noon, and night we were subjected to jeers, insults, and blows because we were Negroes. … Our lot was worse than death itself.

“Who will ever forget the shootings which killed so many of our brothers, or the cells into which were mercilessly thrown those who no longer wished to submit to the … oppression used by the colonialists as a tool of their domination?

“All that, my brothers, brought us untold suffering. But we, who were elected by the votes of your representatives … to guide our native land, we, who have suffered in body and soul from colonial oppression, we tell you that henceforth, all that is finished with.


“We shall show the world what the black man can do when working in liberty, and we shall make the Congo the pride of Africa.

“I ask you all to sink your tribal quarrels: they weaken us and may cause us to be despised abroad.

“I ask you all not to shrink from any sacrifice for the sake of ensuring the success of our grand undertaking.

Like Nkrumah, he concluded that his country’s independence was a decisive step towards the liberation of the whole of Africa.


To the West, that speech meant a declaration of war. His candour was too piercing and humiliating for Belgium and its allies, especially the US.

To their chagrin, a firebrand like Nkrumah, or even more radical freedom fighter had emerged, threatening their interests.

He must be eliminated, dead or alive. How? Look for the enemies within and use them.

They enlisted Kasavubu and Tshombe, as well as Joseph Desire Mobutu, a 31-year-old army officer whom Lumumba had made his personal assistant.


Lumumba’s call for unity to develop the Congo fell on deaf ears. For almost immediately after independence, some units of the army mutinied against their Belgian officers, demanding improved service conditions and an indigenous hierarchy.

Tshombe used the ensuing confusion as pretext to lead the mineral-rich Katanga province to secede. Another province, Kasai, also broke away, leaving the Congo fragmented and fragile.

Belgium sent in troops, ostensibly, to protect its nationals, but in reality, to reinforce the secessionist regimes of Katanga and Kasai where they landed.

In line with their “divide and rule” tactic, the West backed Kasavubu and Tshombe’s push for regional autonomy against Lumumba’s moves to unify the country.


The embattled Prime Minister, called for help from the US unaware that the Americans were after him. Even his appeal to the UN proved futile,

While Lumumba was trying his best to save the situation, Kasavubu declared him dismissed from office. He  retaliated, saying he had removed Kasavubu.

With the UN forces and the Belgians backing the rebels, Lumumba appealed to the Soviet Union for support to help his troops to quell the revolt, a move that alarmed Belgium, and its allies.

In the confusion, Mobutu staged a coup, not to reinstate the Prime Minister but to assassinate him with the connivance of the US and Belgium.


While under house arrest by rebel soldiers of Katanga and Belgian forces, Lumumba escaped, intending to flee to an area controlled by his forces.

But the Belgians and troops loyal to Mobutu, with the help of the CIA, hunted for him and murdered him and two of his aides in cold blood for no crime.

Mobutu ordered a mafia-style execution, looking on callously as they were shot, and their bodies hacked to pieces before being dissolved in acid.

That was on January 17, 1960, barely seven months after Lumumba gained independence for his country.


A Belgian officer who supervised the killings, took one of Lumumba’s teeth as a trophy to his country.

In June this year, after more than six decades, Belgium returned the tooth for burial after apologising for the atrocity meted out to Lumumba.

Mobutu became one of the worst despots in world history. He ruled for 32 years, killed a countless number of his compatriots like King Leopold did, and impoverished millions while he stashed away the country’s wealth in numerous personal foreign accounts.

As long as he remained a puppet of the West and did their bidding, they looked on unconcerned while the Congolese people languished in abject misery.


His country has never since found its feet.

By Tony Prempeh


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The Prophet part 5

In the course of giving ‘directions,’ Osofo Antubam asked two wom­en to wait till he finished with those in the queue. He had quietly suggested that he needed to spend time with them in order to detect the exact source of their problems, and they had also indicated their willingness to spend more time with him. He had one main objective in mind.

Mary and Suzzie had proven to be hugely helpful to him, but they had failed to help in the one most important area – the bedroom. He didn’t want to make the mistake of spending another night alone, and he wanted an alternative arrangement, just in case the girls disappointed him again. His action proved to be very wise, a few min­utes later.

“Osofo, we have finished. The total figure today for the offering, tithes and consultations is GH¢5, 200. We want to add them to yes­terday’s money and pay it into the account, after you have taken what you need for your personal and church expenses.”

“I have already taken some mon­ey from the consultation fees, so please pay it all into the account. I will see you at the house, won’t I?’‘Osofo’, Suzzie replied, ‘I wish you could go with us to the bank. If you could introduce yourself briefly to the Manager, we would then pay the money into the bank and give the receipts to you.” “Don’t worry, ladies.


Just go to the bank and see to on it, and call me. Let me know when you are coming to the house.” The ladies agreed and left. “Well then’, Suzzie said, ‘how much did we make today?” “Let me see” “Mary replied. “GH₵ 600.”

“Good. Now let’s pay his money into the account and go home. Did you see those ladies who stayed behind? I think the Osofo will be having them for desert after eating our food. “I saw it clearly. And did you notice that he wants us to call him when we are leaving for his house.”

“Mary, I told you that very soon the ladies will be fighting over him. He may keep us on for some time, but eventually he will sack us when he realises that we have no inten­tion of sleeping with him.

“Now,” Osofo Antubam addressed Maame Lydia, “what I want you to do is to go home and get a few things to spend the night at the mis­sion house. I will spend time to get to the bottom of this problem.


I assure you that from tomorrow, you will see a complete change in your business, and you will also notice that you will look radiant, and everyone will notice you for the beautiful woman you are.”

“I thank you, Osofo. I believe you. I know you will help me.” “Take this for taxi in and out. Call me when you are leaving home, and I will give you the directions to the mission house.”

“Now, he said to Abena Grace, ‘let’s go to the mission house. Today, we will solve the problems permanently. From tomorrow, there will be a new Abena Grace, prosper­ous and beautiful.”

“Amen, Osofo, thank you so much,” Abena replied as they walked to the roadside to join the waiting taxi. “It’s almost seven,” Suzzie said to Mary. Let’s call him. Mary called, and Osofo Antubam answered. “Osofo, the account was opened this afternoon.


We paid the money in. We have all the documents here. When shall we bring them?” “Er, Mary, why don’t you bring them early tomorrow morning? If you can’t get here by five in the morning, then let’s meet at the church.”

“Okay then, Osofo, I think we’ll meet you at church.” “I told you Mary,” Suzzy said. “He must be busy enjoying his desert. We will have another plan ready by tomorrow.” “How long are we going to be in this business, Suzie? When do we stop?” Don’t be silly, Mary.

Have you got enough money to set up your salon? As for me, I need money to pay the rent advance on a shop in a good location, some money to buy some stuff to stock the shop, and some cash to keep for personal expenses.

The rate at which we are going, we could be okay in about two weeks. A couple of rich men can come any time to consult him, and that could solve our problem quick­ly. Have patience, Mary. We’ll be okay very soon. And don’t worry about the wife or concubine busi­ness.


I have already told you that I will never allow this fake pastor to even kiss any of us.” ‘Osofo,” Maame Lydia said as they waited for a taxi, “when do I see you again? I can come tomorrow if you want.”

“Let’s talk after the service tomorrow. I will try to find some time’. He hailed a taxi, paid the fare and ushered her in. Within a few minutes of entering his room, Abena Grace knocked, and Antubam ushered her in.

He poured a drink for the two of them. Make yourself comfortable, Lydia. We will have an enjoyable evening, and at the same time, you will see the end of your problems.

The whispers woke him up. It’s getting to time, they seemed to be saying. The radio people will come today. Get ready to go with them. You can start in Koforidua, then Kumasi, then Accra.


You will soon be too busy for the daily services. Change from daily to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You will be in demand all over the nation. Very soon, others will be jealous of your success.

Antubam nodded in appreciation. It’s getting interesting, he told himself. Very interesting. “Osofo, did you hear some strange noises like voices?” Abena Grace asked. “Voices? Maybe you were dreaming, Abena.

Now, why don’t you get closer to me and forget about voices in your dreams?” She didn’t mention the subject again, but she was very certain that some strange voices were speaking in the room.

And she noticed that Osofo Antu­bam was listening intently and nod­ding. She needed solutions to her problems urgently, and her friend Yaa Takyiwaa had told her about this new pastor who was doing wonders, and urged her to seek his assistance.


She agreed to go to his home be­cause she thought that would help her get the solutions quicker. But even though she had never encoun­tered them before, she had heard stories about dwarfs who provided all manner of spiritual solutions to people who helped them.

And she knew that in the long run, the results were disastrous. No, she decided. She will not have anything more to do with a pastor who employed dwarfs. “Osofo, I want to go home before my parents wake up.”

By Ekow de Heer

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 ‘Allahu As-Samad’ (Part 2)

 Excellence of Tawakkul (Complete reliance on Allah)

In an ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad. It is narrated by Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA):

“If you were to rely upon Allah with reliance due to Him, He would provide for you as He provides for the birds. They go out in the morning hungry and return with their bellies full.”

(Tirmidhi, Hadith 2344; Ibn Majah, Hadith 4164)


This hadith beautifully illus­trates the concept of tawakkul (reliance on Allah). It emphasis­es that true reliance on Allah, coupled with taking necessary actions (as the birds do by leaving their nests in search of food), and ensures that Allah will fulfill our needs.

Interdependence among Humans

Although Allah is As-Samad and entirely independent, He created human beings to rely on one another as part of His divine wisdom. This interdepen­dence fosters relationships and builds communities. Allah says:

“And We have created you in pairs.” (Qur’an 78:8).


The Prophet likened the be­lievers to a single body, saying:

“The believers, in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy, are just like one body. When one part of the body suffers, the whole body responds with sleeplessness and fever.” (Bukhari, Hadith 6011; Muslim, Hadith 2586).

Teaching the Concept of As-Samad to Our Children

To inculcate the concept of As-Samad in the lives of our children, we must start with education, role modeling, and active engagement:


•Teach Through the Qur’an and Sunnah: Introduce Surah Al-Ikhlas to children early on, explaining the meanings of As-Samad. Share relevant sto­ries from the Qur’an and hadith that illustrate Allah’s indepen­dence and mercy.

•Encourage Dua and Reli­ance on Allah: Teach children to seek Allah’s help in all matters, big or small. Reinforce that Allah is the one who pro­vides, protects, and guides.

•Foster Gratitude and Tawakkul: Instill a sense of gratitude for Allah’s blessings and reliance on Him during challenges. Encourage children to say, “Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakeel” (Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs) (Qur’an 3:173).

•Model Interdependence: Demonstrate how reliance on Allah does not negate col­laboration with others. For example, encourage teamwork, sharing, and helping others while emphasizing that Allah is the ultimate provider.


Leveraging Strengths to Build Society

Allah has created each indi­vidual with unique strengths and abilities. It is our respon­sibility to recognise these gifts and use them to benefit others. Allah commands:

“Help one another in acts of righteousness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and transgression.” (Qur’an 5:2).

The Prophet said:


“The best of people are those who bring the most benefit to others.” (Tabarani, Hadith 8597).

Islam’s Call to Unity and Compassion

Islam is a religion that pro­motes unity, love, and compas­sion. Allah commands believers to maintain unity and avoid division:

“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become di­vided.” (Qur’an 3:103).


The Prophet empha­sized the importance of caring for others:

“None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” (Bukhari, Had­ith 13; Muslim, Hadith 45).


In conclusion, the concept of As-Samad teaches us to recog­nise Allah’s perfection, inde­pendence, and sufficiency. As believers, we must:


• Acknowledge our dependence on Allah and place our absolute trust in Him.

• Teach and inculcate the concept of As-Samad into the lives of our children, fostering reliance on Allah and gratitude for His blessings.

• Recognise the interde­pendence among humans and actively support one another in righteousness.

• Promote unity, compas­sion, and generosity within our communities.


Allah and His Angels send Salaat and Salaam upon His Nabiyi, Oh Ye who believe, send the blessing upon the Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.).

May Allah guide us to em­body the meanings of As-Samad in our lives, strengthen our reliance on Him, and bless our families with faith and under­standing. Ameen.


1. Qur’an 112:1-4


2. Qur’an 10:3

3. Qur’an 31:26

4. Qur’an 35:15. Qur’an 65:3. Qur’an 78:8. Qur’an 5:2. Qur’an 3:103

5. Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Surah Al-Ikhlas


6. Muslim, Hadith 2577

7. Tirmidhi, Hadith 2516

8. Bukhari, Hadith 4684

9. Tabarani, Hadith 8597


10. Bukhari, Hadith 6011

 By Imam Alhaji Saeed Abdulai, 1BN – Michel Camp

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