Odd News
Bear breaks into home, attacks 82-year-old woman in Colorado
Wildlife officials are searching for a small black bear that broke into an 82-year-old woman’s home in the dead of night.
The woman fortunately managed to escape from the incident with only scratches.
She woke up before dawn on Friday in response to a loud crashing noise and her dog’s growling, as reported by Colorado Parks and Wildlife in a press statement.
According to The New York Post as she opened the double doors to her mudroom, a small cinnamon-coloured black bear jumped at her, scratching the woman on the legs.
She was able to shove the bear off her and quickly shut the doors to the room. The bear, which she believes weighed less than 100 pounds, fran¬tically ran around the room before scaling a shelf and ripping through an open window screen to escape, parks and wildlife officials said.
“Human health and safety always remain our top priority in any incident like this, regardless of how minor the injuries are,” Mike Brown, CPW area wildlife manager for the region, said in the news release.
“CPW officers are doing everything we can to locate this bear. Luckily, the victim’s injuries consist of very minor scratches.”
Wildlife authorities are currently in pursuit of the wild creature, which is deemed hazardous due to its involve¬ment in injuring a person.
If successfully captured, the animal will be subject to “humane euthana¬sia,” as confirmed by officials.
Colorado is not the sole US state to undergo a bear attack this summer. In the previous month, a jogger hailing from Asheville, North Carolina, man¬aged to narrowly evade an encounter with a mother bear. New York Post
Odd News
Texas woman’s tongue is the world’s widest at 3.11 inches

A Texas woman was awarded a Guinness World Records title for the surprising contents of her mouth – a 3.11-inch-wide tongue.
Brittany Lacayo told the record-keeping organization she decided to apply for the title after learning about the former record-holder, Emily Schlenker, whose tongue measured 2.89 inches wide.
Lacayo’s tongue is exactly as wide as the average length of an adult woman’s tongue: 3.11 inches.
Her tongue actually is wider than it is long when measured from the epiglottis, the flap of cartilage located behind the tongue.
“It is neat and kind of funny,” Lacayo told Guinness World Records.
The male version of the record belongs to American Brian Thompson, whose tongue measures 3.49 inches wide.
One day a mom noticed that when her son was logging onto a favorite website, he typed a very long password. She asked him what it was, and he replied, “MickeyMinnieGoofyPluto.”
She asked him why he would use such a password. “Because,” he explained, “it says your password has to have at least four characters.
Odd News
Ohio man’s dog license number earns him $50,000 lottery prize
An Ohio man used the numbers from his beloved dog’s license tag to play a Pick 5 lottery, drawing and scored a $50,000 prize.
Roger Sours of Tiffin told Ohio Lottery officials he bought a ticket for Wednesday’s Pick 5 drawing at the Pit Stop on N Washington Street in Tiffin and selected a special set of numbers: 1-0-8-2-2.
“I play two sets of numbers for Pick 5 and this number, the number that hit was actually my license number for my German Shepherd that I played. She’s no longer with us anymore,” he said.
Sours said he was shocked when he watched the lottery results on TV.
“I just sat here. I watched the lottery when I can, when it’s on TV and I just sat here. It was like, I froze. I just couldn’t believe that it hit,” he recalled.
Sours said his winnings will go toward taking care of some bills and giving a boost to his savings account.