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Dietary management of rheumatoid arthritis



In this new chapter, we will be discussing how we can manage rheumatoid arthritis with our diet.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease of the joints. Autoimmune means that the body’s disease fighting system at­tacks the person’s own body cells.

The main cause is unknown. Rogue mol­ecules cause the cartilage to break down, and the result is throbbing, warm, stiff, and swollen joints. Over time, it even ex­ceeds the joints and damage the bones.


Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women and has several features that makes it different from other kinds of arthritis. For example, a person with rheumatoid arthritis may feel tired, have occasional fevers, and generally not feel well. And unlike osteoarthritis, pain and stiffness is worse in the morning while pain and swelling of osteoarthritis is worse in the evening.

Management is mostly pain medications and immunosuppressant but the role of diet cannot be over looked.

Foods to include

Anthocyanin rich foods such as; red grapes, cran­berries, cherries and cabbage.


Copper rich foods such as; crab, mushroom, spin­ach, and beans.

Omega-3 fatty acid rich foods such as; salmon, flaxseed, anchovies, and sardines.

Vitamin E rich foods such as; almonds, avocado, red bell peppers, and peanut butter.

Foods to avoid


Red meat such as; beef, mutton, and chevon.

Gluten containing products such as; wheat.

Refined carbohydrates and processed foods such as; pastries, certain cereals, and white rice.

Lifestyle modification


Modifying our lifestyle from a predominantly sedentary lifestyle to incorporating exercises like going for walks, jogging, and riding bicycles, as well as avoiding late-night high-calorie meals, excessive alcohol intake, and cigarette smoking will serve to prolong our healthy life and prevent rheumatoid arthritis from being our burden.

In conclusion, rheumatoid arthritis can be difficult to cope with psychologically, due to its autoimmune nature. But let us always remain steadfast with the simple ways of managing it; a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients, alongside regular exercise and healthy lifestyle choices, will help manage symptoms and reduce the impact of rheumatoid arthritis.

The writer Dr Bernice Korkor Asare is the CEO of Holistic Health Consult

“Your diet your health, your health your wealth”



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 Benefits of Tamarind Juice

Tamarind seed
Tamarind seed

Tamarind juice is particu­larly abundant in vitamin C, which is important for a strong immune system, healthy skin and wound healing.

Additionally, tamarind provides significant amounts of B vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, as well as essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and iron.

– Antioxidant properties

Tamarind contains po­tent antioxidants, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, which combat harmful free radicals in the body. This ox­idative stress reduction can help prevent cell damage and lower the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer.


-Digestive health

Tamarind contains dietary fibre and natural laxatives that promote regular bowel movements, alleviate con­stipation and improve over­all gastrointestinal health.”

– Heart health

Regular consumption of tamarind juice may have a positive impact on cardio­vascular health. It can help lower cholesterol levels due to its high fibre content and antioxidants, reducing the risk of heart disease.


– Anti-inflammatory prop­erties

Tamarind juice does a great job in curbing in­flammation in the body. High in anti-inflammatory compounds such as polyphe­nols and bioflavonoids, this property makes it potential­ly beneficial for individuals suffering from conditions like arthritis or chronic in­flammatory diseases.

– High magnesium content

Tamarind is rich in mag­nesium- 110 mg per 120 g of pulp. This simply con­cludes that drinking tama­rind is a convenient way to meet your daily magnesium requirements. It plays an important role in the for­mation of bones, regulates heart rhythm, and contrac­tion of muscles, and keeps blood sugar levels under check.



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Tamarind drink (Saamia)

Tamarind drink
Tamarind drinknu


• 100 grams of tama­rind seed (peeled including seeds)

• Water

• 50 grams of ginger


• 2 grams of alligator pepper

• 3 grams of cloves

• Sugar to taste



• Peel and wash ginger, cloves, alligator pepper and blend.

• Soak tamarind overnight (optional)

• Boil water and pour over tamarind

• Soak for several hours


• Mash the mixture for the pulp to come off the seeds

• Add grounded or blend­ed spices to the mixture

• Add water and boil for 30 minutes

• Put off fire and allow to cool


• Sieve and strain to get rid of particles (spices and pulp)

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