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Ghanaian hugs 1,123 trees in an hour for world record

Abubakar hugging a tree

Abubakar hugging a tree

A Ghanaian man studying forestry in Alabama set a world record for most trees hugged in an hour.

He hugged 1,123 trees at Tuskegee National Forest.

Abubakar Tahiru, 29, became interested in nature conservation while growing up in a farming community in Tepa, Ghana. He is pursuing a Mas­ter’s degree in forestry at Auburn University.


The record attempt required that Tahiru wrap both of his arms around each tree in a close em­brace without causing any damage to the trees. No tree could be hugged more than once, requiring Tahiru to move quickly between each hug.

Tahiru was fasting for Ramadan at the time of his record attempt, which presented another chal­lenge.

“Not being able to drink water throughout the attempt posed a significant challenge, especially give the physical exertion required,” he told Guin­ness World Records. “However, this also proved to be helpful in a way, as there was no need to pause for water breaks, allowing me to continue the at­tempt uninterrupted from start to finish.”

Averaging 19 trees per minute, Tahiru easily surpassed the minimum requirement of 700 trees to establish the record.


The record raises awareness of the importance of trees and environmental conservation.

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Odd News

Texas woman’s tongue is the world’s widest at 3.11 inches

 A Texas woman was awarded a Guinness World Records title for the surprising contents of her mouth – a 3.11-inch-wide tongue.

Brittany Lacayo told the record-keeping organization she decided to apply for the title after learning about the former record-holder, Emily Schlenker, whose tongue measured 2.89 inches wide.

Lacayo’s tongue is exactly as wide as the average length of an adult woman’s tongue: 3.11 inches.

Her tongue actually is wider than it is long when measured from the epiglottis, the flap of cartilage located behind the tongue.


“It is neat and kind of funny,” Lacayo told Guinness World Records.

The male version of the record belongs to American Brian Thompson, whose tongue measures 3.49 inches wide.


One day a mom noticed that when her son was logging onto a favorite website, he typed a very long password. She asked him what it was, and he replied, “MickeyMinnieGoofyPluto.”


She asked him why he would use such a password. “Because,” he explained, “it says your password has to have at least four characters.

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Odd News

Ohio man’s dog license number earns him $50,000 lottery prize

An Ohio man used the numbers from his beloved dog’s license tag to play a Pick 5 lottery, drawing and scored a $50,000 prize.

Roger Sours of Tiffin told Ohio Lottery officials he bought a ticket for Wednesday’s Pick 5 drawing at the Pit Stop on N Washington Street in Tiffin and selected a special set of numbers: 1-0-8-2-2.

“I play two sets of numbers for Pick 5 and this number, the number that hit was actually my license number for my German Shepherd that I played. She’s no longer with us anymore,” he said.

Sours said he was shocked when he watched the lottery results on TV.


“I just sat here. I watched the lottery when I can, when it’s on TV and I just sat here. It was like, I froze. I just couldn’t believe that it hit,” he recalled.

Sours said his winnings will go toward taking care of some bills and giving a boost to his savings account.

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