‘Girls Trip’ already surpasses ‘Rough Night’ in opening weekend
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Lordina ‘The Soprano’ to premiere final episode of ‘THE SUMMONS’ Season 2
Ghanaian gospel artiste, Lordina The Soprano, known for her powerful choral and contemporary gospel music, has launched the final episode of THE SUMMONS Season 2 over the weekend.
‘THE SUMMONS’, created by Eunice Productions, boasts of episodes crafted to touch hearts and remind people of their purpose in life.
With uplifting songs and messages from the Bible, the programme aims to inspire all individuals, including those who may feel down, lonely, or lost, offering them a sense of peace and spiritual upliftment.
Gospel singers Luigi Maclean and Efe Grace performed on the day, bringing their unique musical gifts to bear on the audience.
Additionally, Dr Michael Boadi Nyamekye, Lead Pastor of The Maker’s House, shared the Word of God, bringing a message that’s sure to resonate with viewers.
THE SUMMONS was first premiered on July 31, 2021, and since then, it has grown to become a beloved programme for many Christians. Each episode has inspired and reminded viewers of their faith, offering both comfort and motivation in their spiritual journeys.
The final episode was premiered on Lordina The Soprano’s YouTube channel over
By Linda Abrefi Wadie
Date announced for 2024 Adoration and Prophetic Prayer Conference
Elder Sampson Kofi Wiredu
This year’s Adoration and Prophetic Prayer Conference (APP 2024) has been slated for the Oforikrom Assembly of The Apostolic Church of Ghana in Kumasi on November 20- 22.
This year’s edition of APP, a musical show and a prayer conference, is themed ‘Breaking Chains,’ referencing Acts 16:26, where God’s power caused an earthquake to break chains and freed prisoners.
The host, Elder Sampson Kofi Wiredu told The Spectator Agoro that attendees can look forward to inspiring music and worship led by anointed ministers like Elder Mireku, Sandy Asare, and Elder Patrick Amoako.
He called on all Apostolic Church members and everyone who loves God to join them to have an encounter with God’s power.
“God is going to work in a divine move that will bring healing, deliverance, and restoration to many lives.”
He explained that through music, people will receive breakthroughs, miracles, and life-changing experiences through God’s intervention.
Under the leadership of Senior Minister, Pastor Isaac K. Hughes, the conference will start each evening.
By Linda Abrefi Wadie