Let’s ensure discipline in senior high schools
I am writing to express concern about the growing indiscipline in some senior high schools (SHSs) in the country.
It has become alarming, to say the least and the earlier something is done about it, the better for all.
Recent reports and a personal experience have highlighted a worrying trend of unruly behaviours, disobedience and utter disrespect among some students.
This level of indiscipline manifests in various ways such as disregard for school rules and authority, bullying and intimidation of fellow students, vandalism, destruction of school property and engaging in other negative social vices.
These behaviours do not only disrupt the learning but also create a hostile environment for students and teachers.
It is important that this issue is addressed promptly to ensure that our children who are the future leaders receive quality education and develop as responsible citizens.
I implore school administrations, parents and stakeholders in the education sector to collaborate to enforce discipline among the school children to check misbehaviour, provide guidance and counselling for students and encourage positive behaviour and role models.
In ensuring this, teachers and staff must be supported to maintain order to collectively promote discipline and excellence in the schools.
Anita Nyarko-Yirenkyi,
Clubs must be proactive to prevent violence at home grounds
Dear Editor,
The recent disturbances during a Ghana Premier League match between Nsoatreman FC and Kumasi Asante Kotoko on Sunday, February 2 in Nsoatre in the Bono region, which tragically resulted in the death of a dedicated supporter of Kotoko, have revealed the deep security issues affecting the growth of Ghana football.
The incident reveals the increasing lawlessness and violent behaviour of some football fans during and after games, the lack of proper security measures in place, and the failure to address violence in Ghanaian football.
Football is meant to unite, inspire, and entertain, not to claim lives. The loss of Francis Yaw Frimpong, aka Nana Pooley, is something that should never have happened, and justice must be served.
The Ghana Police Service has taken bold and expected steps by arresting suspects, but this should only be the beginning of a huge effort in eradicating football-related violence across the country.
Also, clubs should be held accountable for their actions and ensure proper measures to keep their venues security-ready and safe.
Strict punishments must be meted to people who involve themselves in football-related violence. Those found guilty of inciting or participating in hooliganism should face lifetime bans from venues with heavy fines and criminal prosecution.
To act as a deterrent, clubs whose supporters commit violent crimes should also be subject to severe sanctions, such as fines and point deductions. Additionally, campaigns for education and awareness must be planned in order to inform supporters who act ignorantly due to emotion and a lack of knowledge about the repercussions.
Finally, in order to stop additional harm, everyone should have access to better compensation and support for referees and players. Dissatisfaction with refereeing calls or unfavourable match conditions are the primary causes of violent events. Some of these conflicts can be avoided by making sure referees are properly protected, rewarded, and trained. Players, too, need to feel safe when stepping onto the pitch, knowing that their careers and lives are not at risk.
This tragic incident should serve as a wake-up call for all football lovers and demand concrete actions to be taken to prevent more violence and the possible collapse of our domestic league and damage to Ghana’s football reputation. The GFA, clubs, security agencies, and fans must come together to fight this cancer, which is almost taking over our game.
Enoch Ntiamoah,
Our MPs must show good character
Dear Editor,
I am one of the many Ghanaians that got disappointed over recent happenings in Ghana’s legislative house, Parliament.
It is a house of ‘Honourables’ and on paper, nothing can erase that or take that away from them.
However, they have a lot of work to do if they want Ghanaians to maintain that high respect and regard we have for them.
The behaviour of the Members of Parliament, especially those on the minority NPP at the Vetting Committee left Ghanaians so disappointed in them.
It looks funny sometimes watching how they shoved each other and destroy tables and microphones, properties acquired with the taxpayers money. Clearly, they don’t care how our resources were spent but that is a duty.
Despite the apologies offered, I think members involved in the fracas must wholeheartedly accept responsibility for their actions and together pay for the properties destroyed. For me, that will serve as true remorse.
Sammy Morgan,