Health Essentials
Lifestyle modifications that help to control diabetes
I am not sure why I have the urge to write on Diabetes this morning. Maybe it’s the shock of hearing that someone I know had a limb amputated. Yes diabetes is real and we simply cannot do enough to raise awareness.
Though the steps outlined here apply mainly to Type two (2) Diabetes, people living with all other forms of diabetes will benefit immensely from applying them.
Diabetes definitely “commands” a lot of respect when it comes to diseases that put fear in people. When you harbour sugar in your blood that is enough to feed a whole village then surely you are asking for trouble.
A diagnosis of diabetes ranks in the list of top 5 disease conditions that will have people go into a trance and start speaking in tongues.
Diabetes affects every part of your body and may take control of your finances and life if not properly managed. Yes, there is medication but without the appropriate lifestyle modifications to prevent or control diabetes, then we will be fighting a battle we are destined to lose.
If we can start our lifestyle modification journey together today, then we will definitely make major strides by January 2025. That does not mean we quit after a few weeks; this is a lifetime commitment.
1. Spread the news about Diabetes and the need to be screened
a. We should talk to as many people as possible about diabetes and even more important to get tested and encourage others to test. You may even go the extra mile by paying for others to get screened.
b. It is not only about testing after fasting but also consider checking blood sugar a few hours after a meal. You may also discuss with your health professional the need to check your long-term blood sugar control.
2. Watch what you eat and drink
a. The drill remains the same.
i. Portion control using small plates is helpful
ii. Low carbohydrate is ideal NOT no carbohydrate
b. Eat more fibre and whole grains. That makes vegetables and whole fruits amazing
c. Sweetened drinks will make your work difficult. Most contain too much sugar (empty calories) that only go to “confuse” insulin and also cause you to increase fat cells that end up making your cells resistant to insulin, leaving sugar in your blood stream
d. Magnesium and chromium play a crucial role in the control of blood sugar and that is one of the many reasons I love pure unadulterated cocoa powder. Use this wisely.
3. Manage your weight
a. Controlling weight/fat makes your cells more sensitive to insulin and also makes you healthier in general
4. Exercise
a. The wonder-pill will always find a role to play, and I encourage this!
b. Exercise increases the body’s (cells) sensitivity to insulin, so it gobbles up the sugar in the blood. When you walk or bike etc optimize your results by alternating brisk walk with regular pace; it has a fanciful name known as “interval training”
c. Strength training at least twice a week will build a little lean muscle that also helps mop up blood sugar
d. If you have not tried this yet, take about five minutes walk after each meal to set the ball rolling.
5. Manage Stress
a. Sustained Stress in any form will cause the body to release glucagon and cortisol both of which have the unenviable role of increasing blood sugar.
b. Exercise, smiling, breathing exercises, practicing mindfulness and surrounding ourselves with positive-minded and happy people goes a long way to help us manage stress
6. Sleep
a. Staying awake deep into the night has a way of tempting one to snack (often not the healthy option) and even eat large meals at ungodly hours.
b. Lack of adequate sleep is stressful in itself and so puts a strain on all organs and the blood sugar challenges set in again.
7. Drink adequate water
a. Water is solid gold any day!
b. Makes you healthy and even flushes the kidney
8. Regular checks is a game-changer
a. Do not be fixated on checking only fasting blood sugar, other important tests exists and you need to have a chat with your healthcare professional
b. Daily inspection of your feet is a must. Avoid tight fitting shoes.
c. Book a yearly appointment with a dentist and an eye specialist
d. Check your blood pressure as often as feasible; barest minimum is once a month
e. Urine tests are wonderful but don’t forget you kidneys, cholesterols either.
f. As stated earlier, don’t count on only fasting blood sugar levels
I love listing 10 points to follow but for today I will end with eight and invite you to share yours with me via email.
Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel
Health Essentials Ltd (HE&W Group)
(dressel@healthessentialsgh. com)
*Dr. Essel is a Medical Doctor with a keen interest in Lifestyle Medicine, He holds an MBA and is an ISSA Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Fitness Nutrition and Corrective Exercise. He is the author of the award-winning book, ‘Unravelling The Essentials of Health & Wealth.’
Thought for the week – 1. “537 million adults were living with diabetes in 2021.”
2. “Almost 1 in 2 adults with diabetes remain undiagnosed (240million)”
By Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel
Health Essentials
Safety like charity, begins at home
“The day is near at hand when the doctor will no longer be engaged to patch up the sick man, but to prevent him from getting sick. He will VISIT FAMILIES, EXAMINE THE PREMISES, inspect factories and shops and give instruction to his patients how to keep from getting sick…….”- 1908 article.
A very accurate prediction I must say as health and wellness continues to evolve.
Safety in our homes is an extremely important issue since preventable injuries and deaths continue to rise in homes and communities. To make a significant impact, we need to be aware of the hazards around us and change our behaviour. One little change at a time could lead to great results.
It is frightening to learn that in some countries, up to 70 per cent of all unintentional-injury deaths occur in the home or community. In plain language you are more likely to be injured at home than anywhere else. Each year thousands of people are off work for more than a week as a result of a fall at home, and this has a big effect on businesses and organisations.
The leading causes of unintentional injury in the home and community include:
1. Poisoning
2. Falls
3. Choking
4. Drowning
5. Fires/flames
• Kitchen and cooking areas
o A no-go area for children. Everyone working in the accident and emergency department of a hospital will tell you that on Saturdays and Sunday afternoons when most people do their weekly cooking, many children suffer from severe burns.
o Appropriate way of using the burners on a stove. Avoid handles of cooking pots facing your work area. The gas cylinder should be in a very well-ventilated area outdoors
o Care of spills. Clean them as soon as they occur to avoid slips.
• Electrical Appliances
o All appliances switched off after use and plug removed from socket
o Avoid touching of an electrical appliance with wet hands
o Electrical cords should be out of the way to avoid tripping people.
• Bathroom
o Children should never be left alone in a bathroom
o The use of mats in a bath especially for children and the elderly
o The elderly (above 65 years but could be younger depending on the health status) should use showers with support bars and stools instead of bathtubs.
• Other areas
o Avoid making a mess since they can cause one to trip sometimes with grave consequences. Children should be taught to pick up their toys after use.
o Adults should avoid drinking from bottles since children copy this habit and may harm themselves in the process. In our setting many children tend to drink kerosene stored in “soft” drink bottles. We then worsen the condition by forcing them to drink palm oil and inducing vomiting and often getting this concoction into their lungs. Who really “instituted” this criminal sentence?
o All medications, chemicals, small substances etc should be kept out of the reach of children
1. Look around for anything that may cause an accident. Make use of the different senses, sight, smell, hearing, touch. May not be a smart idea to try taste.
2. Decide who is most at risk. This helps you to make appropriate changes
3. Take preventive measures. After reading this piece make the changes necessary. Do not wait to “learn from experience” it may not always be wise to learn from the best teacher.
4. Keep a record of what you have changed
5. Continually check your living space – please do not think that making a one–time attempt is all that you need. Do this every day or every week.
1. Poorly organised and cluttered walkway
2. Inadequate or unsuitable lighting
3. Moving or handling a load incorrectly – remember that waist or back pain?
4. Rushing around with careless abandon. Most of the time we end up losing time.
5. Tiredness. We commit errors when tired. Do not try to cheat nature, get some rest.
6. Lack of balance or appropriate mobility.
7. Poor eyesight and/or inappropriate corrective lenses.
8. Medication that may lead to dizziness. The elderly for instance who are on several medication have an increased risk of falling.
The cost of home accidents is high in terms of the number of lives lost and resulting permanent disabilities. Several working days are lost, which translates into lost productivity. Huge sums of money may be lost seeking medical care and the quality of life is also poor.
The benefits of prevention of injuries at home are clear and quantifiable in terms of health and economic costs:
• Potential to save lives
• Improved quality of life
• Reduction in cost of hospital care
• Improved productivity through people’s contribution to the economy.
With all these benefits that we can chalk from keeping our home safe, one wonders why very little is heard about bringing safety home. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a nationwide drive.
Let us all pledge to “reduce the number of accidental deaths and injuries in our homes.” A home should be a place where we are absolutely SAFE.
Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel
Health Essentials Ltd (HE&W Group)
(dressel@healthessentialsgh. com)
*Dr Essel is a Medical Doctor with a keen interest in Lifestyle Medicine, He holds an MBA and is an ISSA Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Fitness Nutrition and Corrective Exercise. He is the author of the award-winning book, ‘Unravelling The Essentials of Health & Wealth.’
Thought for the week – “Whatever you practice GROWS STRONGER! What are you practicing?”
1. (national safety council)
By Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel
Health Essentials
Timeless advice on nutrition
Hopefully over the next few minutes we can learn basic steps to prevent being victims of what we eat. Disclaimer: I am not a dietician, and for detailed information do consult a registered dietician.
Did it ever occur to you that you have been spending good money to buy food that may actually be killing you? Years ago, I read a book titled “The Seven Deadly Sins” and the author listed gluttony as one of them.
My conclusion from that book is that food will not only destroy your body, but it may also cause you to do other things that may even affect your salvation.
Many people have their own views on what goes into their mouth; some think starvation is the answer to all their woes while others feel excluding “evil” foods such as fats and carbohydrates will bring the glory they have been praying for.
If you imagine that there are as many super diet plans as there are eligible voters in Sikaman, then that summarises the whole story – all of them have shortfalls. Are you aware that just as there is interval training for exercising, there is also Intermittent fasting (interval fasting I guess)?
Yes, our guts need some rest to perform optimally. Could the ever-elusive ideal diet simply be the good old balanced diet? That may actually hold the key to our health. We probably need to make modifications in other areas to achieve our goal.
I like the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet; not only can it help you to control your blood pressure, but it can also help you maintain a good weight and generally keep you healthy.
It does not exclude any food group. The Mediterranean Diet is also a masterpiece that has proven itself over the years. We are what we eat and its not surprising as memory related challenges see a surge,
The Mind Diet (a cross of DASH and Mediterranean diets) has evolved to help us maintain the best brain health possible.
Consider these steps to a healthier you:
1. Do Not skip breakfast
a. Most overweight people skip breakfast in an attempt to cut down on calories but eventually end up eating more in the course of the day because they feel hungrier. Avoiding this all-important meal also means you have less energy to perform your activities for the day.
b. If your breakfast contains protein and fibre, then it is likely to last you till lunch time.
c. This is no call to avoid lunch and supper, you need these too and if you require a snack in between some fruit, is an ideal choice.
d. I do know proponents of skipping breakfast make some interesting points but get your body and brain working even if it means something really small. Hungry children in school? Imagine the outcome.
2. All food groups are important
a. No food group is outright evil. It is the type and quantity that causes havoc. Just as you need proteins so do you need good fats and safe carbohydrates. A professional may guide you to omit one food group briefly but do not do this on your own.
3. Watch your portion sizes-small plates may be useful
a. Do not heap your plate with food; this is not your last meal and hopefully there will be other times to eat again. If you can simply not trust yourself with small portion sizes, then kindly use smaller plates. Your brain could be tricked into believing once it is heaped, then it must be a lot.
4. Eating is no sprint
a. There is a little disconnect between your brain and stomach. It takes 15 to 20 minutes for your brain to recognize that you are full so to avoid overeating take it easy and chew your food properly.
5. Hunger or thirst?
a. Sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger. Whenever you feel hungry, drink a glass of cool clean water before you tackle the food. Do not hesitate to drink some water during your meal as well as after. Digestion is great in a medium of water and you invariably eat less when you have water in your stomach taking up some of the priceless space.
b. Water is no weight loss pill, but it keeps you healthy and may help you to eat less.
6. All or none
a. This is my favourite, and I believe you may also find it useful. Eating appropriately does not mean avoiding everything you like (except your doctor and registered dietitian advice), you could have a little of your favourite meal occasionally (even if it is outright unhealthy). This ensures that you do not develop “withdrawal symptoms” and rather end up throwing caution to the wind and binging on this meal.
You may have guessed that I am a big proponent of the DASH diet, so I will share a few tips with you. It is not much different from what my health-conscious readers have been eating.
1. Cut the SALT
a. Most of us are aware that we need to reduce salt to the barest minimum. Certainly, you do not add salt to cooked food but what about “hidden” salt in smoked, cured or pickled food. What about salted snacks. Start reading food labels and in the absence of one let your tongue be the judge.
2. Get your GRAINS
a. Brown rice, whole wheat bread and unsalted popcorn belong to this group.
3. FRUITS are a must
a. Fruits are packed with potassium and magnesium, which help to lower blood pressure. They are also loaded with vitamins that are essential to our wellbeing. Spice up your breakfast, add some fruit.
4. Make VEGETABLES your delight
a. These low-calorie products packed with goodness should always find their way onto your plate. They contain no fat but have a lot of fibre, vitamins and minerals. The more varied your vegetables are the better. Try out different coloured vegetables.
5. FISH and LEAN MEAT are allowed
a. Skinless chicken is great and so is fish. You must have heard about Omega-3 in fish. You had better take off the skin of the chicken before you cook it.
6. Do NOT gloss over NUTS & LEGUMES
a. Dried beans and peas belong to this group. These are also rich in proteins, magnesium and fibre.
7. Minimise FATS & OILS
a. Use oil sparingly even if it’s healthy such as Olive Oil. Heating oil as we cook denatures the product making all oils similar after their interaction with fire.
b. Sprinkle olive oil on salads. Its in its raw form and great
c. Avocado has great fat too
8. SWEETS are NOT a NO go area
a. Yes, you may even have an occasional sweet, but it should be only a small piece, and the watch word here is OCCASSIONAL.
Congratulations! You have completed your course in dietetics, and I wish you all the best as you embark on a lifestyle modification to improve your health and that of your family.
Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel
Health Essentials Ltd (HE&W Group)
(dressel@healthessentialsgh. com)
*Dr. Essel is a Medical Doctor with a keen interest in Lifestyle Medicine, He holds an MBA and is an ISSA Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Fitness Nutrition and Corrective Exercise. He is the author of the award-winning book, ‘Unravelling The Essentials of Health & Wealth.’
Thought for the week – “The most EFFICIENT way to reach your REALISTIC health GOALS is to make SMALL HEALTHY choices DAILY.”
By Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel