Fruitful Living
Power over Satan and demons
No one can enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can rob his house. – Mark 3:27
The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. – 1 John 3:8
We at Salt and Light Ministries extend our condolence to the family of the 90-year-old woman, Akua Denteh, who was accused of witchcraft and lynched at Kafaba in the East Gonja Municipality of the Savannah Region. The act was barbaric and totally ungodly.
Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan, to establish God’s kingdom and to free us, all of humankind, from Satan’s power. One of the main themes in Mark’s Gospel is Jesus’ constant aim to defeat Satan and his demonic powers.
In Mark 3:27, Jesus puts into action the principle behind this spiritual conflict with Satan and his powers in His use of phrases like “tying up the strong man” (Satan) and “robbing his house” (setting free those who are slaves to Satan or “possessed” by demonic powers and reclaiming their lives for God’s kingdom).
Jesus overcomes the enemy by driving out the demons or evil spirits. “Driving out” or “casting out” means that Jesus is exercising His authority to force demonic powers to give up control of people whose lives and bodies have been in Satan’s control. Jesus did this to illustrate that evil spirits have no right to use human bodies as their abode.
Satan was once a great angel created perfect and good. He was appointed to serve directly around God’s throne in heaven. Yet before the world began, he became filled with pride and rebelled against God.
As a result, he became God’s primary enemy and an enemy to all humanity as well. “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “‘You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. – Ezekiel 28:12-15.
We must, however, keep in mind that Satan is not equal with God; he is a created being and his power must yield to the superior power of God.
God is Omnipresent (Everywhere at the same time), Omnipotent (All-powerful) and Omniscient (All-knowing). But Satan has none of these characteristics; therefore, most of his activity is assigned to demons.
In his rebellion against God, Satan misled a multitude of lesser angels who, after their “fall” from heaven, could likely be identified as demons or evil spirits. Satan and many of these lesser angels were exiled to the earth and the atmosphere around it. This is where they do their evil work, as God allows. Because of this constant presence of evil and its influence, all of humankind must choose whether to follow God or to follow evil.
1. As a result of humanity’s sin and rebellion against God, the New Testament describes the world as estranged (alienated, separated) from God and seized by Satan, who now exercises a great deal of authority on the earth.
2. Demons are spirit beings that have personality and intelligence. As members of Satan’s kingdom, they are part of a highly organised empire of evil that has authority over “the kingdom of the air”. As agents for carrying out Satan’s purposes, demons are enemies of God and humans. Demon spirits are totally evil, filled with hate and under Satan’s authority. In order to overcome the schemes and temptations of Satan and his demonic forces, Christians must wage continual spiritual warfare against them.
3. The many accounts in the Bible, make it clear that it is common for demons to dwell in the bodies of some people who do not have a personal relationship with God. The evil spirits make slaves of the individuals they “possess”. They use the possessed individuals’ voice to speak and can influence them toward evil, immorality and destruction.
4. Demons can cause physical diseases and illness in the human body. This does not mean, however, that all sickness and disease are the result of evil spirits.
5. Demons are the real power behind the “gods” and “idols” of false religions. This means that worshipping false gods is basically the same as worshipping demons.
6. Those involved in spiritism (the attempt to communicate with the dead) and sorcery (the supposed use of magic) are dealing with evil spirits. Such activity can easily lead to a person coming under demonic control.
7. Evil spirits will be especially active in the end times, leading people to take part in the occult (witchcraft and satanism), sexual immorality, violence, cruelty and mass deception. They will attack and attempt to discredit God’s Word, steering people away from correct teaching and truth. The fullest display of demonic activity will be through the antichrist and his followers.
1) The New Testament frequently describes individuals who are suffering from Satan’s oppression and influence due to evil spirits that take up residence in their bodies and gain control of their lives. Throughout the Gospels (the narrative accounts of the “good news” and the true story of Jesus Christ), Jesus shows His power and authority to free people from this spiritual slavery. The Gospel of Mark, describes many times in which Jesus comes in contact with and stands against demons with the power of God: “That evening after sunset, the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. The whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.” – Mark 1:32-34.
“Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, 24 “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”“Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. – Mark 1:23-26.
2) In His miracles, Jesus often attacks the power of Satan and demonic forces. Jesus states clearly that one of His purposes in coming to earth was to destroy the works of Satan and to set free those the devil holds as slaves.
3) One way Jesus binds and destroys Satan’s power is by driving out demons (by His authority forcing them to leave the person’s body and give up control of the individual’s life). But he paid the penalty for our sin. This victory shattered the power of Satan’s kingdom and restored the power of God’s kingdom in people’s lives. Jesus’ work and personal sacrifice made Satan’s defeat certain and gained God’s victory over him.
4) Hell, the place of eternal punishment, torment and separation from God, has been prepared by God for the devil and his demons. “Then He will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels’.” – Matthew 25:41
1.God’s Word teaches that because God’s Holy Spirit lives within each true follower of Christ, a Christian cannot be demon-possessed. God’s Spirit and demons can never live in the same body. Demons may, however, influence the thoughts, emotions and actions of Christians who fail to follow and respond to the leading of the Spirit.
2. Jesus promised His followers that they would have authority over the power of Satan and demons. As we confront them, we must rely on Jesus and use His authority to break the power that demonic forces want to force upon us and others. This means we must wage intense spiritual warfare through the power of the Holy Spirit. The power of God is the only source that frees us from the power and influence of the devil’s darkness and brings us into God’s spiritual light with victory.
3. According to the parable in Mark 3:27 – “In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house.”, spiritual conflict against Satan and his demonic forces involves three stages of spiritual battle:
a) Declare war against Satan according to God’s purpose.
b) Enter Satan’s territory (any area of life where he has a “strong hold” or has strongly forced his evil control), then attack and overpower him through prayer and God’s Word. By doing this, God will destroy the devil’s weapons of deception and temptation.
c) Take what the devil possesses. This means helping to liberate those who have been enslaved by Satan’s power and helping to restore them to God so that they may receive forgiveness and new life through faith in Christ.
4.As we boldly embrace the authority and power of God, we should take the following steps in our spiritual battle:
a) Recognise that we are not in a conflict against flesh and blood (human persons, powers and purposes). Rather, we are fighting against spiritual forces and powers of evil.
b) Remain deeply committed to God’s truth and to living by the standards of His Word.
c) Have faith that Satan’s power can be broken in any specific area where he might have control. We must also realise that God has given Christ’s followers powerful spiritual weapons for the destruction of Satan’s strongholds.
d) Boldly proclaim the message of Christ and His kingdom (His highest power, authority, purposes and way of life) through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
e) Challenge Satan and his power directly by relying completely on Jesus and taking authority in his name, using God’s Word, praying in the Spirit, fasting and driving out demons.
f) Praying particularly that the Holy Spirit would work in the consciences of people who are spiritually lost (who have not accepted forgiveness from Christ and do not have a personal relationship with God). Only the Holy Spirit can truly convince them of healing, prophecy, tongues, miracles, signs and wonders.
It cannot be emphasised enough that we must be in a right relationship with God and fully equipped to do spiritual battle by spending time in prayer and God’s Word. We must have a deep understanding of God and His Word, and we must be actively growing in all spiritual areas of our Christian life. Doing this is important because we are no match for Satan’s powers on our own. Christ’s followers must pray constantly and remain spiritually alert, relying on God’s strength and resources to recognise and conquer Satan’s evil schemes and to maintain a strong faith. They must also rely on God so that when they do come face to face with demonic powers, they will be able to fearlessly exercise Jesus’ authority over them.
This article is culled from the FIRE BIBLE: Global Study Edition.
Stay blessed!
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Fruitful Living
Qur’an: A Book of Guidance beyond Ramadan
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Prophet Muhammad is His final messenger.
May peace and blessings be upon him, his family, his noble companions, and all those who follow his righteous path until the Day of Judgment.
The Qur’an is a divine revelation from Allah and serves as a timeless guide for humanity. It is not just a book for recitation but a comprehensive manual that provides wisdom, moral values, and laws that shape human life in all aspects.
The Qur’an answers fundamental existential questions: Who created us? Why are we here? How should we live our lives? What happens after death?
Allah affirms in the Qur’an:
“This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah” (Qur’an 2:2).
Many Muslims increase their engagement with the Qur’an during the month of Ramadan, a month in which the Qur’an was revealed. However, the Qur’an’s message extends far beyond Ramadan; it should be the guiding light in our daily lives, influencing our thoughts, actions, and decisions.
The Meaning and Names of the Qur’an
The word Qur’an comes from the Arabic root “Qara’a”, which means “to read” or “to recite”. The Qur’an is called this because it is meant to be continuously recited, reflected upon, and acted upon. It is not just a book for passive reading but for active learning, understanding, and implementation in all facets of life.
The Qur’an is known by several names in the Islamic tradition, each revealing an essential characteristic of the book:
• Al-Qur’an: Meaning “The Recitation”, emphasizing that it is a book to be recited regularly, in prayer and outside of it.
• Al-Furqan: Meaning “The Criterion”, which distinguishes between truth and falsehood. It provides moral clarity and guidance on what is right and wrong.
• Adh-Dhikr: Meaning “The Reminder”, because it constantly reminds human beings of their purpose in life and their accountability before Allah.
• An-Nur: Meaning “The Light”, as it illuminates the path of righteousness and removes the darkness of ignorance.
• Al-Kitab: Meaning “The Book”, signifying that it is a complete and preserved scripture meant for all time.
• Ash-Shifa: Meaning “The Healing”, as it provides spiritual, psychological, and even physical healing to those who turn to it with sincerity.
These names indicate that the Qur’an is more than just a collection of verses; it is a divine guide, a moral compass, a source of healing, and a light that dispels darkness.
The Revelation of the Qur’an: A Divine Message for Humanity
The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years through Angel Jibreel. The revelation took place in two distinct phases:
• The Makkan Phase (13 years): The chapters revealed in this period focused on faith in Allah, monotheism, the resurrection, and moral values. Since the early Muslim community was small and persecuted, these revelations gave them spiritual strength and perseverance.
• The Madinan Phase (10 years): The revelations during this period were more detailed and addressed laws, governance, social justice, and community life. The Muslim community had grown in Madinah, and legal rulings on marriage, inheritance, and commerce were introduced to regulate societal affairs.
* The writer is the Metropolitan Chief Imam of Kpone Katamanso
To be continued…
By Imam Alhaji Saeed Abdulai – 1 BN Michel Camp, Tema
Fruitful Living
Bearing the fruit of love
But the fruit of the Spirit is love ………… – Galatians 5:22 (NIV)
Imagine if all the trees in the world were fruit trees? And they all bore fruits of love? And those who see these fruits of love could eat of it, and give to everyone else until it became the staple meal for everybody? Were this to be the case, maybe the so-far elusive utopia that we think is impossible will become a reality. Maybe we would have less sickness and pain in the world. And just maybe it would be alright for this world to last forever.
What is certain though is that this kind of world we envision is attainable, if not on this earth, in heaven. And that heaven begins here, where you and I are. Jesus said: “The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:21. The kingdom of God “is within” us when we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness – when we surrender to the lordship of Christ and do His will. When we do so, we will be able to bear the fruits of love and enjoy heaven here on earth. That is the clearest evidence we can give that we are citizens of heaven though we live on earth.
Love is both a gift and a fruit. The two come from the same source, the Triune God—the Three Co-Eternal Godhead—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These Three work together as one to ensure that we get the full benefit of love, first as a gift that we receive, then as a fruit that we are expected to bear.
As a gift, the God of love gave Himself to us in the Person of His only begotten Son -John 3:16. When our Lord Jesus Christ departed, He sent His representative— the Holy Spirit—to come and dwell in as many as receive Him and want Him to stay in them – John 16: 7, 13.
As a fruit, God the Father is the Gardener who prunes and tends the plant. God the Son is the Vine to which the branches are connected. God the Holy Spirit, the sap that connects us (the branches) to the Vine, vitalises the branches and allows us to blossom and bear fruits. Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” – John 15:1,4.
Why Love?
Bearing the fruit of love is more than a feel-good experience. It is a divine command that is aimed at making us more like God. It involves sacrifice, tears, and often heartache. It can be hard but it is attainable.
Not loving others empties us of the essence of our humanity, and reduces our potentials to grow more into God’s likeness. It rips the thread that runs through the fabric of our common humanity and leaves holes and gaps that destroy the texture and beauty of what was once beautiful. The more afraid we are to love, the less human we become, and the more demonic we grow to be.
History reveals very clearly the impact of the absence and presence of love. On the one hand, where there’s no love we have hate and the wars and genocides that stem from it. There’s also poverty, hunger and homelessness, including the sad testimonials of neglect and abuse. The absence of love results in gossip, slander, jealousies and pettiness continue to inflict pain and alienate people from communities where they might thrive.
On the other hand, with love comes forgiveness and kindness—two vital ingredients of love that have prefaced healing, renewal and restoration. Love has revived hope and prolonged life, rebuilt bridges of friendship and transformed minds and hearts of individuals and groups.
God loves us too much to let us suffer and die without achieving our optimum. That is why He told us to love. Strictly for our own good, by the One who made us and knows us best. It’s a command that won’t expire because He Himself is love – 1 John 4:8. It’s an instruction that won’t fade away, for as Paul observed, “three things will remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13.
To be continued…
- By Rev. Dr Joyce Aryee, the author