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Spanish Duke told to shorten his daughter’s 25-word long name

• Spanish Duke and wife

Spanish Duke and wife

A Spanish Duke has been told he cannot name his daughter what he wants because her name is too long.

Fernando Fitz-James Stuart will need to significantly short­en his daughter’s name if he wants her legally registered.

The 17th Duke of Huescar, and his wife Sofia Palazuelo, recently baptised their second child Sofia Fernanda Dolores Cayetana Teresa Angela de la Cruz Micaela del Santisimo Sacramento del Perpetuo So­corro de la Santisima Trinidad y de Todos Los Santos.


The aristocrat, a direct descendent of King James II of England, has been told the register rules state that the name given to a child must not exceed more than “one com­pound name” and “two simple ones”.

“In the registration, the name given to the child will be expressed, although no more than one compound name may be recorded, nor more than two simple ones,” according to the second article of the law on names and surnames and their order, collected in the Of­ficial State Gazette.

The name is reportedly a tribute to the deceased Duchess of Alba, other mem­bers of the family and religious devotions.

“The first name, Sofia, for example, was chosen in honour of her mother and grand­mother, Sofia Barroso, and the second, Fernanda, as a tribute to her father, Duke of Huescar, as well as her great-uncle, Fernando Martínez of Irujo, Marquis of San Vicente del Barco,” El Pais reports.


The baptism was held in San Román in the historic centre of Seville on 7 October, followed by a dinner in the gardens of the Duenas palace.

This was where the Duke’s first daughter was also bap­tised in 2021. —Sky News

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NASA Astronaut shows how he wears pants in Space: ‘two legs at a time’

Astronauts have a unique way of getting dressed in space. In a fascinating video posted on February 21, NASA chemical engineer, Don Pettit, demonstrated how he puts on his pants aboard the International Space Station. Instead of the traditional one-leg-at-a-time approach, Mr Pettit descended into his floating trousers, essentially jumping into them with both legs at once.

He simply captioned the video, “Two legs at a time.”

The lighthearted video delighted viewers, prompting a flurry of comments and reactions from users who enjoyed the humorous glimpse into life in space. One user wrote, “I thought you were going to land right in them at first. Haha. That might be fun to try.”

Another joked, “This is the real content that I needed! I attempted to recreate this on Earth and didn’t go well.”


A third said, “Missed opportunity to not have the theme from Space Odyssey 2001 playing for this.” A fourth added, “Such a pro! Well done.”

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Odd News

Company threatens to fire employees …..if they don’t get married and have children

A company based in China’s Shandong province caught the attention of government officials after it threatened to fire its single and divorced employees if they remained single by the end of September.

According to a report in South China Morning Post, Shandong Shuntian Chemical Group Co. Ltd., issued a notice to its 1,200-odd employees, emphasising that they work well and establish families.

The notice required single employees aged 28-58, including those divorced, to get married and settle down by the end of September this year. Those who do not by the end of March need to write a self-criticism letter. If they do not get married by the end of June, the company will conduct an “evaluation” of them. If they are still single by the end of September, they will be fired.

The company said the move was intended to promote the spirit and cultural values of “diligence, kindness, loyalty, filial piety, and righteousness”.


As the news went viral, Chinese social media users slammed the decision, stating the company was violating several laws.

“Corporate rules should not override laws or social morals,” one user commented, while others pointed out that the Chinese marriage law guarantees freedom of marriage.

“This crazy company should mind its own business and stay away from the personal lives of employees.”

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