Obaa Yaa
They say am a witch
Dear Obaa Yaah,
I am only 15 years old and I stay with my aunt and her family. All was fine at home until my aunt started going to a certain priest for prayers.
This priest then told my aunt that I am witch and that I should be taken to somewhere for purification.
What I want to know is how does someone know whether one is a witch or not? I am miserable because every night my aunt would recite some psalms on my head before she sleeps.
Because of this accusation, I have been receiving insults from my cousins. I am planning to run away.
Mawusi, Keta
Dear Mawusi,
Your auntie is not a nice person, but it’s not her fault. It is the priest who is making her to behave like that. And sometimes these priest have so much influence on people that they believe and do whatever they are told.
On the other hand, if you discover that the pressure at home is too much for you, tell your auntie and move back to your parents.
Whatever happens, please don’t run away. If your aunti refuses to send you home but harass you, then find a way to send a message to your people at home. Don’t worry about the psalms that she reads, they cannot harm you. And lastly I don’t think you should worry about who is a witch or who is not because obviously, you are not.
Obaa Yaa
Can malt make me tall?
Dear Obaa Yaa, Can malt make me tall?
I am a boy of 16 years and I have a group of friends who are taller than me. They always mock me. They say that I am too short to be in their company.
They even tell me that I spoil their chances of meeting girls because the girls do not look at them when I am in their company.
Is there any medicine which makes people tall or any exercise which can make me tall?
Is it really true that malt can make people tall? My friends say that weightlifting can also help.
Dear Oware,
People who make you unhappy do not qualify to be called friends, and your first worry should be how to leave their company.
You are only 16 years, and there is still a great chance that you might add a few inches to your height.
But if it doesn’t happen, don’t let it be a problem because it not how tall or short a person is which matters, but what a person achieves.
There are no known drugs or drinks (Malt included) which can increase a person’s height.
Exercises and weightlifting will not make you tall, but they can at least make you fit and healthy.
Obaa Yaa
I want a divorce
Dear Obaa Yaa,
After two years of marriage, I have realised that I made a big mistake in marrying my wife. She has become very different from the woman I knew and married; she is so uncompromising.
I have met another girl who is just the type of girl I should have married. She agrees with me on everything and does not harass me the way my wife does.
My wife will not agree to a divorce and my girl refuses to be a second wife. I am caught in a dilemma, because both my wife and my girlfriend are making my life hell. I feel very tempted to leave them both.
Dear Owusu
Maybe you should give your marriage another chance. For all you know, your wife is just as unhappy as you are but she is trying to live with the situation.
Your girlfriend’s attitude now is different from your wife’s and that should tell you that no one is perfect. It should also prove to you that when people are not happy, they behave differently.
Try and communicate with your wife more and discuss your problems no matter how little it might look.
If you make the effort to keep your marriage, you might be surprised at the positive changes that will take place in your life.