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Health benefits of Peanut

• peanut

• Peanut

Peanuts are delectably crispy, nutty, and delicious. The kernels are rich in numerous noteworthy nutrients that are beneficial to health and overall wellness.

These tasty nuts can be a healthy addition to diet as they are rich in beneficial minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds.Most people take it at snacks.Peanuts are nutritionally dense and healthy.

– Promote healthy heart


Eating peanuts helps protect the body against coronary heart disease (CHD). A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that peanuts lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

-Aids weight Loss

Peanuts are very high in calories, but they contribute to weight loss instead of weight gain. Peanuts are ener­gy-dense foods. That is why having them as a snack may make you consume fewer calories later in the day. Peanuts elicited stronger feelings of fullness when con­sumed as a snack than with a meal. This may eventually help with weight loss.

-Prevents gallstones


Consumption of peanuts is linked to a lower risk of gallstones. A study conducted by the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospi­tal (Boston) found that consumption of peanuts lowers the risk of gallstones. Men consuming five or more units of nuts (including peanuts) a week are at a lower risk of gallstone disease.

– Aids blood sugar control

Adding peanuts or peanut butter to a meal does not spike blood sugar levels. Having them along with a meal would stabilise blood sugar levels.

-Reduces cancer risk


High intake of peanuts (including other nuts) has been associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. The isoflavones, resveratrol, and phenolic acid found in peanuts have anti­cancer properties which may help reduce the risk of cancer

-Treat erectile dysfunction

Peanuts are rich in arginine, which is an essential amino acid (Arginine has been studied extensively as a possible treatment for erectile dysfunction.

-Boosts energy


Peanuts are a rich source of protein and fibre that assists in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy. The protein content of peanuts is around 25 per cent of the total calories. The fibre and protein combination in peanuts slows down the digestive process to facilitate a steady release of energy into the body.

-Have antioxidative properties

Peanuts are rich in numerous plant com­pounds and antioxidants. Most of these com­pounds are available in the skin of peanuts, which should be eaten raw to get all of its benefits. Some of the plant compounds that are readily available in peanuts include resveratrol, coumaric acid, and phytosterols that help im­pair the absorption of cholesterol, isoflavones, and phytic acid found in plant seeds.


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Dietary management of prostate cancer

Eat balanced diet

Eat balanced diet

 In this new chapter, we will be discussing how we can manage prostate cancer with our diet.

Prostate cancer, although rare in men under 40 years, is the third most common cause of cancer deaths in men of all ages. The prostate is a gland below a man’s bladder that wraps around the urethra (the passage that guides urine out of the body).

Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer may in­clude:


● Problems passing urine, such as pain, difficulty starting or stopping the stream of urine, or dribbling.

● Frequent urination

● Lower back pain

● Pain with ejaculation


The level of a substance called prostate specific antigen (PSA), is often high in men with prostate cancer, so doctors check the level of PSA as a way to screen for prostate cancer. Since the PSA test became common, most prostate cancers are found before they cause symptoms. Notwithstanding, a lot of people present late and little or nothing can be done for them. But be aware that PSA can also be high in other conditions.

In as much as the ultimate management is surgical and/or medical, lifestyle modification and nutrition can go a long way in preventing prostate cancer.

Foods to include

● Fiber rich foods such as; whole foods, fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts.


● Lycopene rich foods such as; tomatoes, water melon, sweet pepper, and red grapes.

● Omega-3 fatty acid rich foods such as; salm­on, flaxseed, anchovies, and sardines.

● Selenium rich foods such as; mushrooms, shrimps, Brazil nuts, salmon, and oatmeal.

● Vitamin E rich foods such as; spinach, al­monds, and asparagus.


● Vitamin C rich foods such as; oranges, tangerines, pineapples, and lemons.

Foods to avoid

● Red meat such as; beef, mutton, and chevon.

● Dairy products such as; milk, butter, cheese, yogurt and custard.


● Highly processed foods such as; sugary drinks, syrups and jams, and candies.

● Saturated fatty foods such as; pastries, deep fried foods, and lard.

● Highly salted foods such as; salted nuts, salted beef, salted fish, and potato chips.

Lifestyle modification


Modifying our lifestyle from a predominantly seden­tary lifestyle to incorporating exercises like going for walks, jogging, and riding bicycles, as well as avoiding late-night high-calorie meals, excessive alcohol in­take, and cigarette smoking will serve to prolong our healthy life and prevent prostate cancer from being our burden.

In conclusion, our strength and zeal is highest in our youth and we should take full advantage of this by changing our lifestyle now for the better and incorpo­rating a healthy diet that will keep us free from such a diagnosis in our mid and elderly life.

The writer, Bernice Asare Korkor, is the CEO of Holistic Health Consult

“Your diet your health, your health your wealth”



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Delicious Abora

Delicious Abora

 Abora is one of the delicious snacks of the Ewes. It is made from corn and can be eaten at afternoons and late afternoons. Not every corn can be used to prepare Abora because some take longer periods to get cooked. This is why it is necessary to tell the vendor what you will use the corn for.


● Two cups of corn


● Two tablespoonful of salt

● Three tablespoonful of sugar


● Soak the corn overnight


● Wash and cook the corn

● Cook until it is soft and you can

see the inner part of the corn

● Scoop a portion into a bowl


● Add salt and sugar to taste

● Can be eaten with roasted

groundnut or coconut

– Aids digestion


– Regulates blood pressure

– Supports heart health

– Lowers risk of chronic disease

– Provides protective antioxidants


– Promotes a healthy gut


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