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Carrot Muffins

150grammes of margarine
250 grammes of carrots
200 grammes sugar
200grammes flour
1.5 tablespoonful of cinnamon
2 tablespoonfuls of baking powder
2 big eggs
125grammes of sultanas
50grammes of nuts

Health benefits of carrot

Carrots are mostly available in orange colour but there are other variants available too, such as white, yellow, purple and red.
The bright orange colour of the carrots is because of the presence of beta-carotene, anantioxidant that gets converted into vitamin A when we consume it. Carrots are loaded with ample vital nutrients and health benefits.

  1. Good for eye health
  2. Helps in weight Loss
  3. Helps in prevention of cancer
  4. Helps in improving dental health
  5. Helps in boosting Immunity
  6. Helps in getting rid of toxins
  7. Helps in maintaining good digestive health
  8. Helpful in dealing with menstrual issues
  9. Helps in lowering blood pressure
  10. Helps in lowering the risk of diabetes


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 Benefits of Tamarind Juice

Tamarind seed
Tamarind seed

Tamarind juice is particu­larly abundant in vitamin C, which is important for a strong immune system, healthy skin and wound healing.

Additionally, tamarind provides significant amounts of B vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, as well as essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and iron.

– Antioxidant properties

Tamarind contains po­tent antioxidants, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, which combat harmful free radicals in the body. This ox­idative stress reduction can help prevent cell damage and lower the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer.


-Digestive health

Tamarind contains dietary fibre and natural laxatives that promote regular bowel movements, alleviate con­stipation and improve over­all gastrointestinal health.”

– Heart health

Regular consumption of tamarind juice may have a positive impact on cardio­vascular health. It can help lower cholesterol levels due to its high fibre content and antioxidants, reducing the risk of heart disease.


– Anti-inflammatory prop­erties

Tamarind juice does a great job in curbing in­flammation in the body. High in anti-inflammatory compounds such as polyphe­nols and bioflavonoids, this property makes it potential­ly beneficial for individuals suffering from conditions like arthritis or chronic in­flammatory diseases.

– High magnesium content

Tamarind is rich in mag­nesium- 110 mg per 120 g of pulp. This simply con­cludes that drinking tama­rind is a convenient way to meet your daily magnesium requirements. It plays an important role in the for­mation of bones, regulates heart rhythm, and contrac­tion of muscles, and keeps blood sugar levels under check.



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Tamarind drink (Saamia)

Tamarind drink
Tamarind drinknu


• 100 grams of tama­rind seed (peeled including seeds)

• Water

• 50 grams of ginger


• 2 grams of alligator pepper

• 3 grams of cloves

• Sugar to taste



• Peel and wash ginger, cloves, alligator pepper and blend.

• Soak tamarind overnight (optional)

• Boil water and pour over tamarind

• Soak for several hours


• Mash the mixture for the pulp to come off the seeds

• Add grounded or blend­ed spices to the mixture

• Add water and boil for 30 minutes

• Put off fire and allow to cool


• Sieve and strain to get rid of particles (spices and pulp)

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