
Be conscious of the safety valve of your gas cylinder

Gas is a source of energy which helps in cooking food at home, restaurants, canteens and many places.

It serves a good purpose as it is neat, reliable and dependable. It helps to preserve the forests or vegetation in the country.

However, the use of gas at home or elsewhere can be dangerous if the gas cylinders are not properly taken care of.

To avoid any danger, we need to pay attention to certain safety measures. First of all, the gas cylinders for cooking should be kept outside the kitchen.


Second, the safety valve should be checked regularly to ensure that it is in good condition. People should never use stones on top of the safety valve.

We need to be careful at all times so that disasters can be avoided.

If we all keep to these safety protocols we will remain protected from fires.

Prevention is always better than cure so let us use our gas cylinders with great care to keep ourselves safe.


The Ghana National Fire Service is always carrying out education on this issue to alert us on the dangers associated with wrong use of gas.

We need to support them by keeping to all safety measures to prevent the outbreak of fire at home and other places leading to loss of precious lives and destruction of properties, among others.



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