Benefits of cowpea (Black-Eyed Peas)
-Weight Management
-With their high fibre and protein content, cowpeas are a satisfying and low-calorie food option. Foods high in protein have a lower ghrelin level, which is a hormone that increases appetite. Soluble fibre keeps the stomach full and suppresses unpleasant hunger feelings while delaying the rate at which the stomach empties. Including cowpeas in the diet can help one feel full and satisfied, making it easier to manage weight.
-Blood Sugar Control – Cowpeas have a low glycemic index, meaning they do not cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. This makes them an excellent choice for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. In addition, the benefits of soluble dietary fibre and protein help regulate blood sugar spikes.
-Digestive Health
-Cowpeas are an excellent source of dietary fibre, aiding in digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements, preventing constipation, and reducing the risk of digestive disorders. Additionally, black-eyed peas function as a prebiotic, promoting the development of beneficial bacteria in the stomach that support a healthy microbiome, aiding in digestion, reducing inflammation, and strengthening the immune system.
-Skin Health -Rich in protein, zinc, vitamins A and C, and other nutrients. Cowpeas promote the production of collagen, accelerate skin restoration, and stimulate the growth of new skin cells. The presence of vitamins and antioxidants in cowpeas can help maintain healthy, glowing skin. –These nutrients can reduce the signs of ageing, boost collagen production, and protect your skin from UV damage.
-Ideal for Expectant Mothers – Cowpeas are a rich source of folate (vitamin B9), which helps in the production and upkeep of red blood cells in the body. Both pregnant women and those who are intending to get pregnant need to take this vitamin.
-Prevents Anaemia Iron is a highly effective treatment for anaemia. Cowpeas are a rich source of iron, aiding in the treatment of anaemia. Iron plays a vital role in the body’s protein metabolism and is necessary for the synthesis of haemoglobin in blood and red blood cells (RBCs), reducing the risk of anaemia caused by a deficiency of haemoglobin and RBCs.
-Immune Support -Cowpeas contain a wealth of vitamins, including vitamin C and vitamin B6, which bolster a robust immune system. Regular consumption can help your body defend against infections and illnesses.