
Breaking The Silence: Understanding the Unique World of Autism

Children with autism

Children with autism “angels who lost their way to heaven and fell on earth.”

A child is a gift from God when they are born but when they are diagnosed with au­tism, they presumably become a burden or a curse from the wom­an’s family.

Autism is a neuro­logical condition that affects social communication and behaviour. There is a wide range of autism spectrum disorders, and each individual is unique. Some people with autism may have difficulty with social interactions, repetitive behaviours and sensory sensitives. It is import­ant to understand and respect the differences of those with autism.


Despite its prevalence, there is still a great deal of misinformation surrounding autism, leading to miscon­ceptions and stigma­tisation. One of the key aspects of autism is its wide-ranging spectrum. While the term ‘spectrum’ itself suggests a continuum of characteristics, the reality is that no two individuals with autism are alike.’

Nana Donkor Arthur, a social media influenc­er in United States of America and a mother of a child with spe­cial needs (Charlton), suggests that the best ways to communicate and interact with peo­ple who have autism spectrum disorder are by showing affection and showing respect.

“Parents should teach their special child about how to express anger without being too aggressive,” she continued. Once again, you should not use several languages in your homes because it could confuse a special youngster.

According to the World Health Organisation in 2021, one in 160 children globally had autism, compared with an estimated one in 59 children in the United States. There are no available statistics on children with autism in Ghana.


Akua Dedaa, the moth­er of a daughter with autism, claimed that in order to keep the child alive, she had to rebel against her husband. About autism, there are myths.

Since the majority of Ghanaians believe that autism is a curse from lesser gods, some par­ents take their children to shrines and ask the fetish priests to ap­pease the gods on their behalf with mashed plantains(3to) before leaving them there.

Some people also believe that people with autism are “river gods’’. Some parents therefore leave their children on the river­banks with the belief that they would trans­form into snakes and return to where they came from.

A few organisations in Ghana support kids with special needs; a few examples include the Dzorwulo Special School, the Autism Ambassadors of Ghana, and the Hope setters Ambassadors of Ghana.


By breaking the silence on autism, we pave the way for a more inclusive future, where diversity is celebrated, and every individual can live a fulfilling life. Let us work together to build a world that em­braces the differences of all its members, fos­tering an atmosphere of empathy, under­standing, and accep­tance for those on the autism spectrum and beyond.

[The writer is a student of Ghana Institute of Journalism]

By Baidoo Theodora Boatemaa



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