Christians observe Palm Sunday

Christians all over the world have commemorated Palm Sunday, a day that marked the beginning of the holy week on the Christian calendar.
Palm Sunday which was celebrated on the 24th of March, is very significant in the lives of Christians as it signifies the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
As part of this year’s Palm Sunday commemoration, members of the St Sylvanus Catholic church, Pokuase, as well as Pupils and teachers of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School at New Bortianor in the Ga South municipality also joined the procession, holding palm branches amidst singing and dancing.
It has been christened ‘Palm Sunday’ because according to the bible, the people of Jerusalem placed palm fronds in Jesus’ path while cheering and shouting hosanna.
While celebrating the joy of the day, some users recollected memories of how Christ was betrayed.
The honouring of the Palm Sunday also marked the starting of the holy week. The most sacred week of the Christian year includes Good Friday,
re-enactment of Jesus’ crucifixion story and the belief in his resurrection on Easter.
By Elizabeth Agyeibea Ackon