
Dead babies, no grave

Many babies are conceived but do not, see the light of day

Man is God’s most wonderful creation. According to bibli­cal legend, man was created in “His own image”, and was made lord over all living things on earth. Apart from the first man, however, all human beings had to be conceived in the womb and born of woman. Such was God’s design for the human race.

No matter one’s origin or race (Asian, Caucasian or Negro), the life of every human individual begins right from the time it is conceived. The male sperm unites with the female ovum and LIFE begins there­from. Nine months, thence, a baby is born. It grows and grows to become an adult.

Many babies conceived do not, however, see the light of day. They never will.


They are scooped out of the womb before they develop eyes and limb. As such, they are deprived of the right to live. And their plight is apa­thetic instance of human cruelty.

And do they complain? They can’t! But assuming they could, all aborted babies in their frightful multitude will protest these injustices in a demonstration never before held on the planet. And a typical placard will read:

“My Mother Aborted Me

When I Was 3 Months Old


In Her Womb. How Much I

Loved My Mother. But She

Never Loved Me. She Killed Me.

O My Mother. She Killed Me.”


The blood of such a baby is forev­er upon the head of those who termi­nated its life against its will. The soul of the child cries to the Lord. The voice is tiny, but it reaches the ear of the Lord.

“O Lord, why did thou allow

My conception in the womb

Of that cruel woman.


Look at what she’s done to me.

She took me to a doctor who

Destroyed me with a dangerous weapon.

I bled and bled.


My soul returns to eternity.

That is the sad tale of my short life,

O Lord.”

Tens of thousands of human foe­tuses are aborted every single year. And in Sikaman, not less than 10,000 babies are returned to where they are supposed to have come from. They have no right to live. On their foreheads is written: “If undelivered, return to sender.” And for sure, they are dispatched with the promptitude of first class mails.


There are several ways of killing unborn babies. “Many ways of kill­ing a cat.” But until the advent of modern-day methods of death, crude means were sought to get rid of ba­bies growing in human wombs.

Concentrated dosages of chlo­roquine, sugar, coffee, blue (for washing) are abortion agents that painfully terminate the lives of ba­bies. In the attempt, however, these unsafe methods are also effective in dispatching both mother and child to eternity. TOGETHER WE PERISH!

The modern method is Dilation and Curetage (D and C), which is the most ingenious way of killing unborn babies without arranging for an obit­uary for the mother also. And prices paid for the murder are quite high of late.

A recent survey has shown that the effects of the ‘Gulf Crisis are felt here too. If you want to abort a one-month pregnancy, you’re sure to dish out ¢7,000 to the killer. Two-months -¢8,500, three-months- ¢10,000 etc.


And some rationalise why they feel compelled to lend their babies to the slaughter houses. They cite such reasons like economic constraints, family planning or the father deny­ing the pregnancy. Others who are prostitutes by profession say that babies disrupt the business and must, therefore, be gotten rid of.

My view is that abortion in some cases may be justified, for example in cases of rape. A fifteen-year-old girl who got pregnant after she was raped by several soldiers in the Unit­ed States, was granted the choice for an abortion by a law court, although it was illegal at the time.

Abortions may also be justified when the health of the mother is jeopardised as a result of the preg­nancy, which is for medical reasons.

Aside these extreme consider­ations, to willfully abort a foetus is a transgression abominable to God. This is so, but because moral deca­dence is so widespread, no one cares whether or not a baby is killed. No wonder that certain countries legal­ise abortion to control population.


But why not prevent pregnancy rather in lieu of KILLING babies? To prevent pregnancy is not as disas­trous as killing babies. And abortions sometimes have irreversible effects on mothers-barrenness.

These days, the first borns of some people, are not their first-borns. About four or five earlier ones have been thrown somewhere with­out offering them graves. And sooner or later, some of these dead babies will become personified and preach the gospel of revenge:

“Dear Wicked Mother

When I Was 5 Months In Your Womb


And You Were Planning My Death,

With My Cruel Father

I Wanted To Put In A Word

For Myself


But I Could Not Be Heard.

My Heart Was Punctured.

I Bled And Died

God Bless You.


And God Curse You!”

This article was first published on Saturday, November 24, 1990.



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