E-levy: Its relevance to technology
Even though E-levy has been passed by Parliament and given Presidential assent to make it a law in this country, its initial uncertainties that characterised its debate in Parliament made it look as if that law could never be passed.
Many people have argued that the levy is good and would help in the mobilisation of domestic financial resources for the country, other people particularly those in the minority in Parliament still continue to counter-argue that the E-levy is not good and should be scrapped.
Some members of the opposition have even indicated that if they are able to return to power in 2024, they will scrap the levy. This cannot be believed since the reality is that more domestic resources will be needed at any point in time to carry out socioeconomic development. There have been instances where similar arguments had been put forward in the past yet when the National Democratic Congress had the opportunity to come into government, they could not tamper with the programme they described as inappropriate. An example is the Health Insurance Scheme introduced by the Kufuor administration to promote quality healthcare for Ghanaians.
The NDC was in power from January 2013 to 7th January, 2017, but they were not able to tamper with the Health Insurance Scheme.
This shows that the opposition sometimes makes noise for political power but not to promote any meaningful socioeconomic agenda. It is in light of this that Ghanaians, no matter where they are in this country, ought to be careful about certain policies being promoted by government to promote their welfare.
It is important for every Ghanaian to note that the E-levy that has just been passed is fashioned along the direction of technology. The world is going technological in its activities and certain activities that were carried out in traditional forms or in form of face-to-face interaction are gradually becoming outmoded and, therefore, giving way to technological use and advancement.
Instead of carrying out money in bags and taking them to certain destinations to relatives and friends, technology has now made it possible for such remittances to be carried through technological means in form of MoMo for example. The good thing about the use of technology in this way is that it is fast and safe, preventing a situation where the sender can easily be attacked by armed robbers.
Again, in the world today, even medical care is gone technological so it is possible for patients to meet their medical doctors via Zoom for treatment. This is what has given way to e-health. The only aspect of medical care which may need face-to-face interaction is when samples of blood and other things may have to be presented physically for testing and analysis.
From the way things are going, the taxing of money transactions electronically forms only one of the aspects of taxation.
What this means is that all activities that are going technological such as e-health, e-pharmacy and e- agriculture and business provide fertile grounds for taxation by government. Many people also place orders from shops to have their goods delivered to them. In the same way, food ordered from restaurants are also delivered. All these are new forms of business transactions that call for taxation for use by the state. The world, including Ghana, is undergoing rapid transformation as far as electronic transactions are concerned. We cannot remain in our old fashion or way of doing things so the time has come for us to be able to adapt to the new ways of doing things especially in this era of the use of technology for trading.
The E-levy as we know will bring in more revenue to enable government be able to undertake numerous projects for socioeconomic development. There is no doubt that ultimately it is the welfare of Ghanaians as a whole that will be enhanced or improved upon in this way. In light of all this, the E-levy is good and must be encouraged by every person in this country.
Having said this, however, the point must also be made that other sources of income to the state will have to be enhanced and intensified to enable the state carry out more developmental activities. Property rates for example ought to be taken seriously. People with houses and other properties ought to be encouraged to pay property rates so that we can see more development in this country.
Also, free lands or spaces can be turned into car parks. If this is done, parking tolls can be taken from all those cars that make use of such parking spaces. The end result will be more revenue for the state.
It is only when we go this way that the state will be able to pay and cater for unemployment benefits and free medical care as well as old age support for people who deserve them in this country.
In the same way, the road tolls that have just been scrapped ought to be brought back. If these things are done, national revenue will shoot up tremendously and make it possible for the state to support its citizens in various ways. For example, subsidies can be provided for farmers and other producers in the country who may need them.
It takes great thinking outside the box for a state to generate more revenue for its people. The population of Ghana (now over 30 million) needs to be provided for adequately by government through the establishment of a welfare system in the country. This is possible so let us move forward in unison as one country and achieve this as a national goal.
Contact email/whatsApp address of author:
Pradmat2013@gmail.com (0553318911)
By Dr. Kofi Amponsah-Bediako