
Help disabled children to be productive

A group of children with disabilities

 Dear Editor,

Permit me to express my view on the challenges children with disabilities face in the society.

For the past few months, I have observed that chil­dren with disabilities face challenges such as stigma, neglect, negative attitudes and mobility aids.


These children, I believe can and want to be pro­ductive in the society but are sometimes denied that opportunity and are margin­alised in the society

 They face several socio­economic challenges such as little or no education, lower level of employment, higher poverty rate and poorer health condition.

Children with disabilities have very limited access to educational opportunities and face widespread discrim­ination.

Other barriers they face include lack of accessi­ble physical environments and transportation and non-adapted means of com­munication.


I would like to draw the attention of the Government to provide assistance to such disabled persons with dreams to be productive and respon­sible persons in future.

Also, I would appreciate it if every individual and the various institutions can give equal opportunities to per­sons with disabilities to also bring out their experiences and talents as well as have a sense of belonging and not feel neglected.

Elizabeth Agyeibea Ackon




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