
Honourable Henry Quartey …Dynamic and effective

Some ministers in the Akufo-Addo-led administration are working hard and must be commended by Ghanaians but in the case of Honourable Henry Quartey, his commitment towards hard work, dynamism, effectiveness, zeal and achievement, among others are incomparable as regards what he is trying to achieve as Greater Accra Regional Minister.

His desire to transform the city of Accra into a clean one in line with the vision of the president, is a task that is not easy to achieve looking at the stubborn nature of many Ghanaians residing within the city.


Many people in Accra do not keep to sanitation guidelines, throwing rubbish into gutters and blocking the smooth flow of water in various parts of the city. Other people are also putting up structures in unauthorised places and making it difficult for the flow of water into demarcated drains especially after the rains.


It takes the boldness of a person charged with that responsibility of ensuring discipline in the city to be able to go about measures geared towards sanitising the area. Many people given the responsibility will not be able to perform creditably well due to a number of factors. In the first place, many of them wlll lack the boldness and alacrity to confront a task ahead and bring about the desired results.

The results will be admired by every person in Ghana but taking steps to achieve it is what will be difficult for many people to do. It is in the light of this that Hon. Henry Quartey, determined as he is, must be given every encouragement and support, to achieve the task we have all set for him.


Slogans like “keep the city clean” have been exhibited in Accra for years yet people or residents never bother to give practical meaning to this slogan. Since the 1970s, when some of us were children and are now grown into old people, such a slogan had been displayed jn places such as Accra, Sekondi-Takoradi, Kumasi and a few other places. In spite of this, can we really say the desired purpose was correctly achieved by city authorities and the people of Ghana?


If the answer may be no, then we have all failed as a people and must, therefore, begin to change our lives for the better as far as cleanliness in our cities is concerned.


Everyone in Accra complains about the chaotic situation in the capital yet no one is prepared to take up the task and help to solve the problem.

The time has, therefore, come for each and every one of us to recalibrate our minds not just once but on continuous basis so that our mental faculties as a people will start working again to put things in order for the capital so that it will look as one of the best cities on the continent of Africa as far as cleanliness is concerned.


One notable admirable thing about Hon. Quartey was his desire, at the initial stages to involve all stakeholders about keeping the city clean and making Accra work. He consulted all parliamentarians, those in government and in opposition, as well as District and Municipal Assemblies in the Greater Accra Region and also traders and their associations together with other people who operate businesses in the city of Accra.


The issue was thoroughly discussed for everyone to see the way forward. This approach is good because no one was left out as far as the entire programme is concerned. For this reason, it’s expected that all stakeholders will collaborate to ensure that the ultimate purpose is achieved.

The regional minister has used the right approach because all stakeholders have been consulted and this is what makes him as acceptable leader for greater Accra. It’s important that other regional ministers emulate him to bring sanity to their areas of control.



The argument that he assumes too much power is untenable and what he’s involved in is in the interest of the entire nation. He is not self-centred, looking for glory for himself alone but collaborating with all entities to achieve the ultimate purpose in the interest of Ghana.

There is no doubt that the regional minister is dynamic. His approach to things is not static but keeps changing in a positive manner to ensure that his solutions become workable.

In spite of the obstacles confronting him, Hon. Quartey is ready to succeed. He has already attained considerable success and should be commended by all.


Seen in this way, we need to continuously support him so that at the end of the day, the national capital will work again as expected not only for him as a regional minister but for the nation as a whole.


Before the appointment of Honourable Henry Quartey, Member of Parliament for Ayawaso Central, little did we know about him as a committed and bold person who was prepared to hold the bull by the horn and work hard to transform Greater Accra into a sanitised area

So far, he has proved himself as a leader who is selfless and willing to serve his country to the best of his ability. Many people appointed into offices first think about their own comfort before creating subsequent impression that they are in to perform their duty.


In the case of the Greater Accra Regional Minster he has so far proved that he is selfless and even prepared to endure some hardships in the course of beautifying the city of Accra. He has often been seen standing in the sun and moving with certain individuals in dirty surrounding areas to get the job done. Some of us keep wondering how many Minsters or officials are prepared to go through such conditions. It is for this reason that the man Henry Quartey must be massively supported to complete the task.

Thus, instead of commending and encouraging him, we shouldn’t discourage and destroy him in a manner that will not get him to beautify the city with other officers. We will continue to support him until his job is done appropriately as expected in line with the interest of our dear nation

In 1 Samuel 8:1-4, we read of the leader of Israel at the time growing old and making his sons judges in Israel. These sons didn’t follow their father’s example but were only interested in making money, there by accepting bribes and going about their duties in a dishonest manner

Some people appointed to serve the people of this country have also succumbed to bribery and corruption but use the media to create the impression that they are working, though false.


For many years to come Honourable Henry Quartey will continue to be remembered for his principles, boldness, dutifulness and fairness to all in an effort to beautify Accra for all Ghanaians. May God bless him abundantly.

Contact email/whatsApp of author:

Pradmat2013@gmail.com (0553318911)

By Dr Kofi Amponsah-Bediako



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