Obaa Yaa

I’m having second thoughts

Dear Obaa Yaa,

My man and I are planning a wed­ding which will take place within the next few months. It will be preceded by an engagement.

But I am beginning to have second thoughts because I suspect that my man was hiding some negative things about his character.

For instance, I visited him at his of­fice unexpectedly, and he was exchang­ing profanities with another worker.


At another time, he was chasing a female worker around the office and everyone was laughing. But he is a very polite man when we are alone.

Which one do you think is his true character?

It is very important for me because I don’t want to marry a joker.

A.B, Sewhi



Dear A.B

I don’t think you love this man at all, otherwise you will not be having sec­ond thoughts about his other side.

If you are for him, tell him how you felt on the occasions that you went to his office. Don’t make an issue out of it; let him know how much it affected you.


If he cares for you, he will do some­thing about it.

But it might interest you to know that the behaviour of people differs when at home and at work places


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