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Intensify advocacy for passage of Affirmative Action bill

• Participants at the event

Participants at the event

The Convener of the Affirma­tive Action Bill (AAB) Coalition, Madam Sheila Minkah-Premo, has charged gender rights advocates to intensify the advocacy for the swift passage of the Affirmative Action Bill.

The lawyer, at the Regional Consul­tative Forum in Accra, which served as a platform to garner commitments from key stakeholders for the smooth passage of the bill, pointed to the need for the intensification of advo­cacy efforts by stakeholders at all levels.

She said the bill, presented to Parliament since 31st October 2023, had gone through the first reading and was currently under a certificate of urgency hence, more commitment was needed from women’s rights or­ganisations and other stakeholders to justify its passage. “This is the time advocates need to intensify advoca­cy, come together and write a strong worded letter to parliament justify­ing the urgency to pass the bill into law,” she said.


The consultative forum on the passage of the Affirmative Action Bill, was sponsored by the Government of Canada and five other Gender rights groups namely, the Network for Wom­en’s Rights in Ghana (NETRIGHT), Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) Ghana, Affirmative Action Bill Coalition, Plan Interna­tional and Women’s Voice and Lead­ership in Ghana.

The Chairperson, Madam Afua Brown Eyeson, National Executive Committee, WiLDAF Ghana, said her organisation, together with other or­ganisations were working to strength­en the political will to pass the AA Bill into law.

The bill, she said, would help provide accountability framework to measure gender equality, empower­ment of women among other things by the Executive, Judiciary, the pub­lic and private sector.

It will also give a boost to women’s quest for adequate representation on all levels of decision making as stipu­lated in the Maputo Protocol of 2003, Beijing Platform for Action and other AU and ECOWAS Protocols on Gender Equality ratified by Ghana.


The National Director of the De­partment of Gender at the Minis­try of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP), Madam Faustina Acheampong, said the Ministry would collaborate with all the stakeholders to facilitate the swift passage of the bill.

Gender Advocates say that the Affirmative Action Bill, a proposed law, if passed, will legally address a history of systematic discrimination, stereotypes, traditions, religious dogmas and practices that impede the socio-economic, socio-cultural rights and freedoms of women and girls.-—GNA

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 Youth of Redeemed Baptist Church  celebrate Ghana’s Independence Day

The youth of RBC Don the Shadda

In honour of Ghana’s Inde­pendence Day, the youth ministry of the Redeemed Baptist Church (RBC) hosted a Youth Dress-Down event in vintage style to celebrate Ghanaian heritage and ex­press patriotism.

Dubbed ‘Don the Shadda’ it was an opportunity for the youth to showcase their pride in Ghana’s rich cul­ture.

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3 women of Redeemed Baptist Church honoured at Women of Excellence Awards

Emerita Prof Ardayfio-Schandorf (second left), Mrs Hutchful (third left) and Mrs Owusu (first right) displaying their awards. With them is Mrs Bernice Darterh, daughter of Mrs Owusu

At the 10th Ghana Ladies of Excellence Awards ceremony in Accra, 22 award recipients were honoured for their exceptional contributions to national develop­ment in their respective fields of work, including three ladies from the Redeemed Baptist Church in Ogbojo.

These sectors include, among oth­ers, human resource management, female empowerment, rural banking, energy production and distribution, post-secondary education, and scien­tific research.

The recipients of the award are Emerita Professor Elizabeth Arday­fio-Schandorf, a seasoned geographer and Chairperson of the Public Inter­est and Accountability Committee (PIAC), Mrs Florence Mangwe Hutch­ful, the first President of the Char­tered Institute of Human Resource Management, Ghana and Mrs Comfort Owusu, Executive Director of the As­sociation of Rural Banks (ARB) Ghana.

The awards ceremony took place on Friday, March 7, 2025, the eve of International Women’s Day, recognis­ing women’s contributions to national progress.


The Ghana Women of Excellence Awards Scheme is a component of Ghana’s observance of International Women’s Day, with the theme, “Em­powering the Ghanaian Woman for National Development.”

The awards ceremony was organ­ised by Top Brass Ghana under the auspices of the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection (MGC­SP).

According to Mr Isaac Dakwa, Director of Top Brass Ghana, the main goal of the award scheme, is to inspire Ghanaian women to pursue excellence in all facets of their lives and to assume their proper roles in the process of national development.

As the Special Guest of Honour at the awards ceremony, Vice Presi­dent Professor Naana Jane Opoku- Agyemang brought attention to the persistent obstacles that women still face in obtaining leadership roles, economic empowerment, and educa­tion.


She called for more work to be done to remove obstacles, open doors, and guarantee women’s full involvement in all facets of the economy.

 By Spectator Reporter  

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