
Intimate partner violence against women must stop

 All types of violence against women (VAW) have been prevalent for decades, but the rate of intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is frightening and is leaving women maimed and dead.

The Ghana Statistical Service’s (GSS) upcoming 2022 Ghana Demo­graphic and Health Survey (GDHS) Report, indicate that two out of every five women between the ages of 15 and 49 had experienced intimate partner abuse.

According to the Service, 35.2 percent of these women had at least once suffered emotional abuse, 22.7 percent experienced physical violence, and 11.2 per­cent experienced sexual violence.

This is a serious problem that ranks among the most pervasive breaches of human rights. It would be best to stop this IPV against women now to protect their lives.


As the world marks the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) for 2023, with “Unite, Invest to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls” as the theme, the Spectator hopes that conversations will focus on devel­oping solutions for the pressing need to stop IPV.

The 16 Days of Activism against GBV takes place from November 25 to Human Rights Day on De­cember 10.

In fact, in light of these con­cerning figures, advocates for gen­der equality, counsellors, private institutions, religious institutions and the government through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP), among others should all push for mea­sures to stop this threat.

The Spectator is of the view that because women are treated differently in some societies as they are seen as men’s property, it is necessary to re-examine social standards and destroy the systems that support gender inequity.


In times of abuse, some victims have nowhere to turn, so it is important to provide shelters for survivors and offer counselling ser­vices to lessen their difficulties.

The government needs to step up efforts to protect women from IPV by making sure that survivors have access to fair and impartial judicial proceedings.

Any type of violence should be denounced, and it is wise for faith-based organisations to pro­vide post-marital counselling for couples to learn how to strength­en their marriages for peaceful co-existence, following pre-mari­tal counselling.

It is time to step up efforts through education, awareness, and support services to promote women’s empowerment and dispel the harmful myths that encourage violence.



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