
Is God a Liar?

I believe the first thought that will occur to anyone who reads the topic of this write-up will be what is going on here? Is this author not com­mitting blasphemy? Recent developments on our political front has made this question relevant because of the im­pact these developments can have on Christianity.

In fact, a respected Chris­tian leader in the country has commented that, Charismatic Christians seem to have de­cided to embark on a one way journey to self destruction.

He further commented that Charismatics have desecrated noble titles like Apostle, Bish­op etc. to the extent that now if you call yourself a Prophet it is synonymous to a con man. Prophets are supposed to speak the mind of God to his people or his church and therefore when a statement is made by a Prophet claiming “thus saith the Lord” people take it whole heartedly as if God was uttering it directly to them.

Again we believe as Chris­tians that God does not lie according to Numbers 23:19 and other references in the bible, and therefore, when a so called Prophet makes an emphatic statement that it is coming from God and a few years later this same God makes another statement contradicting the first one, then it is legitimate to ask the question “Is God a liar”?


People are beginning to lose trust in men of God because of their utteranc­es and actions. You hear of stories of so called men of God committing adultery, stealing, cheating and all kinds of unpleasant behaviour. Unspeakable things that even unbelievers shy away from are being associated with men in white collar.

When elections are ap­proaching, you hear of all manner of prophesies as to which presidential candidate is going to win the elec­tions. Previously, it used to be prophetic declarations on 31st December Night until a certain Dr Dampare issued an order and suddenly God decid­ed to take a holiday each 31st night in my beloved country, Ghana.

The respected Christian leader I mentioned earlier said, he does not believe that God elects leaders especially in our continent and that if he does, given some of the leaders we have had, then we need to have a conversation with him. I fully agree. How can a God of order and dis­cipline, elect lawless people to be leaders who refuse to hand over power contrary to what their constitution states, when their term of office expires?

If I were a member of the fake prophet’s church, I defi­nitely would quit the church because he has proven to be a charlatan. The Bible makes it clear in Mathew 7:20 that the criteria for determining a person’s status as a Christian is by their fruits. Instead of focusing on spreading the Gos­pel and showing the unsaved the way of salvation, they have turned themselves into favour seekers.


The current places of church auditoriums of some of these pastors were places of businesses as those of us who are privileged to be old enough, vividly recollect. They sing the praises of lead­ers and their governments, so they would be favoured with prime locations for their church auditoriums among others. These are what the Bible talks about according to Philippians 3:19 that their God is their belly among others.

Instead of seeking Godly wisdom for the revival of these distressed companies, what they were interested in was the place being given to them and they hypocritically turn around and say let us pray for jobs for the youth.

Some of these so called men of God, demand consultation fees before you can see them and I pity the poor souls who visit such places.

God is not a liar. It is against his nature to lie. He is a spirit of truth. It is rather the Devil who is a liar and the father of lies so if you lead a life of lies, as some of these pastors obviously are doing, then according to the Bible, they are fake.


By Lord Kissi-Mensah


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