
‘Kudos’ to authorities for fixing Poly junction traffic light

Fixed traffic light in Koforidua

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express satisfaction and appre­ciation for the prompt response to my previous letter regarding a malfunc­tioning traffic light at Poly junction in Koforidua.

A couple of weeks ago, my letter highlighted the concern about the faulty traffic light, emphasising the potential risks it posed to the lives of residents and the flow of traffic in the area.


I am pleased to report that the authorities in the New Juaben South munic­ipality swiftly fixed the traffic lights and are now in working order.

I am happy for the de­cisive action. The quick resolution not only reflects a commitment to public safety but also ensures the smooth movement of vehi­cles in the area.

In a time where commu­nity concerns often face delays in being addressed, it is heartening to witness the swift response.

The repair of the traffic lights is a positive step towards creating a safer and more efficient traffic system in our city.

George Obeng Osei




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