
Let’s create more awareness on HIV/AIDS

 Dear Editor,

 I am writing to alert the relevant authorities and stakeholders on the increasing numbers of persons living with the HIV virus.

The numbers coming from the regions, especially the Western Region is very alarming and requires immediate attention.

It is frightening how quickly HIV/ AIDS is beginning to spread in the country again.


It means we have a very youthful society actively engaged in unpro­tected sex, likely with multiple partners.

According to data from the Western Region, a higher propor­tion of the community’s members have been infected with the virus. Similar statistics have been report­ed from other regions ahead of the December 1 World Aids Day celebration.

There has been a lot of awareness on abstinence and avoiding unprotect­ed sex but it appears the youth are not mindful of that.

S, with the low success rate, I wish to urge the relevant authorities, especially the Ghana Aids Commission to distribute a lot of condoms; make them accessible so that those that would not abstain would have safe sex.


It appears the prices of condoms have also been on the high, a factor that must be considered when find­ing solutions to curb the spread.

Additionally, persons who wish to be in sexual relationships must go for HIV/AIDS test at a hospital to ascertain their safety.

Public education on the dan­gers associated with having sexual intercourse with multiple partners must also be considered as a way of reducing the spread of the disease

I believe when this is done, it will help curb the fast spread of the dis­ease and also reduce the associated high death rate.


Elizabeth Agyeibea Ackon

Accra _ Dzorwulu.


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