
Let’s have hope in our Black Stars

In a few days, the World Cup will begin in Qatar, and looking at all the teams that are taking part in the competition, many Ghanaians are wondering whether the Black Stars will be able to live up to ex­pectations.

It is important for every Gha­naian to note that the players for Ghana are world-class players who are prepared to die for their coun­try. For this reason, Ghanaians need hope to support the team.

Massive support for the Black Stars is what we need at this time. It is only Ghanaians themselves who can support the players, wish them well, and pray for their victory. All 31 million Ghanaians cannot go to Qatar to play in the World Cup. What can be done is for each of us to pray for the Black Stars and their technical team and wish them well so they can give us the victory we need.

It will be good if Ghana emerges the most successful African team in the competition, moving from the group stages and successfully going through the one-sixteenth stage and also a quarter final and moving on further into the semi finals and getting to the grand finale.


What a wonderful achievement it will be for Ghanaians and all Afri­cans! It may sound like an impossi­ble dream, but in this world, every achievement is possible if you plan well.

Ghana has a team that can pull a surprise at the tournament based on the calibre of members of the technical team as well as individual Black Star players. They will face Portugal, South Korea, and Uruguay in the group stages. These are tough teams that are likely to put fear into any African team.

What the Black Stars need to do is not entertain fear for any of the competing teams, irrespective of the FIFA ranking they are given. They can remain composed and ap­proach each match with seriousness and strategy.

The Black Stars must do all they can then win their first match against Portugal, irrespective of how difficult it may be, so as to open the opportunity for them to win their remaining matches and qualify for the next stage of the competition.


After winning against Portugal, they can then prepare well and win the matches against Uruguay and South Korea.

This feat can be achieved, so the Black Stars and their technical team must work toward it and make it come to pass.

Everything is possible in this world. In light of this, the team must be courageous enough to overcome all the challenges that they may face. If they are able to do this, the Black Stars of Africa will be placed higher during the tourna­ment.

We also need to pray for the Stars, as has already been pointed out, so that every possible bless­ing and good luck can come their way. During such tournaments, the decisions of referees and confronta­tions by the opposing teams during matches are also important, which explains why the blessings of the Almighty God (Allah) will be needed for the Black Stars.


As we enter the tournament, let all Ghanaians go down on their knees and pray for the team so that we can do better for the nation.

This is our goal, and we must do all we can to achieve what is un­imaginable for the country.


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