
Maintain good cultural practices – Nii Ashitey Tetteh

Nii Ashitey Tetteh with the inductees after the ceremony

The good cultural practices that promoted virtuous women and prepare them for marriage would be maintained and promoted in the Ga State.

Nii Ashitey Tetteh, Acting Amomole Mantse gave this assurance last Saturday when he outdoored 10 young ladies at Okortsoshishi in Accra after undergoing puberty rites.

He said these puberty rites were practised by their ancestors since 1700 when they migrated from Ada Terkperbiawe to settle at Ngleshie, James Town, in Accra.


Nii Ashitey Tetteh said these cultural practices produced virtuous women all over the country and pleaded that the practice should never be truncated.

The young ladies who were confined for over three weeks went through orientation in housekeeping, hygiene, cooking, child birth and other skills that promoted a good home

He, however, lamented that teenage pregnancy, prostitution and other social vices had eroded the prestige associated with these cultural practices.

Nii Ashitey Tetteh appealed to the Ministry of Education to make conscious and deliberate policies that “promote the teaching of culture” from basic schools to the university level.


By Francis Xah


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