
Maternal mortality rate increases in Ashanti Region

• Dr. Frank Adomanko Boateng

 The Ghana Health Service has revealed a staggering statistic of 1,000 women losing their lives during child­birth in the Ashanti Region between 2020 and 2024.

This alarming number, accord­ing to the Regional Health Direc­tor, Dr Frank Adomanko Boateng, highlights the persistent chal­lenge of maternal mortality in Ghana, despite efforts to im­prove maternal healthcare.

Dr Adomanko Boateng, there­fore emphasized on an urgent need for stronger interventions to curb the high rate of maternal deaths.

Speaking at the 2024 Regional Health Forum, he indicated that “Ghana is struggling to meet the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target of reducing mater­nal mortality to 70 deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030.”


Dr Boateng stressed that time was of the essence, saying, “The clock is ticking, and we must double our efforts.”

He called for intensified mea­sures over the next six years to bridge the gap and prevent further loss of lives.

Ghana’s maternal mortality ra­tio, he noted, has been declining from 760 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 310 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2017.

However, “the country still faces significant challenges in reducing maternal mortality, particularly in regions like Ashan­ti.”


To address the issue, he said, Ghana has been working to improve maternal healthcare through various initiatives, in­cluding the Network for Improv­ing Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.

The country aims to reduce maternal mortality by strength­ening healthcare systems, improving access to quality care, and enhancing community en­gagement

 From Kingsley E. Hope,




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