
Meet Mavis Adjoa Yeboah Adjei, brain behind leading clothing giant

Gone were the days when people gave little attention to what they wore for public functions.

One’s fashion sense has become a big deal in recent time with the use of social media taking the fashion craze a notch higher.

At some high profile entertainment events with red carpet receptions, one often hear a harmless question like, ‘what are you wearing,’ which in effect means the identity of the creator of one’s dress.

Fashion lovers have been very alert to this, and in the process become very choosy and careful about what they wear out.


This, therefore, requires a vibrant industry, driven by hardworking designers to meet the increasing demands for such designs.

One of such per­sons making giant strides and amazing designs for the past 14 years is Mavis Adjoa Yeboah Adjei , a visionary CEO and Creative Director of Adjoa Yeboah Clothing.

Mrs Adjei ventured into fashion designing after giving her cloth to a seamstress to work on for a programme, only to be disappointed on the D-day.

“I was frustrated be­cause I didn’t have any­thing to wear. Through my frustration, I decided to enroll at the Joyce Ababio College of Fashion. After that I launched my busi­ness,” she narrated to The Spectator.

“I’ve always believed in nurturing one’s passion. My love for fashion and design led me to pursue formal ed­ucation at the Joyce Ababio College where I honed the skills necessary to turn my passion into a thriving busi­ness,’ she indicated.


The old student of Ghana Secondary School, Koforid­ua, says she has this desire to provide a unique blend of fashion outfits in order to satisfy the variegated tastes of a myriad of clientele.

Adjoa, as she is affection­ately known, was inspired by colours and considered the body type of clients before making an outfit for her clients.

And her biggest aspiration was to be the number one in the industry, providing bespoke clothing solutions to the generality of mankind as they step into the world of work and social network interactions/ programmes with unparalleled confidence and elegance.

Adjoa’s designs have been worn by both national and international celebrities, including Anita Akuffo, Korkui Salormey, Dentaa Amoateng and Rosalyn Felli, just to mention a few.

Despite the busy schedule with work, Adjoa, a mother of four, careful­ly plans her activities in order to meet the demands of family life as well.

“I prioritise my time, ensuring that I’m fully present in both my profes­sional and personal life. My family’s support has been crucial in helping me manage these responsibilities, allow­ing me to excel in both areas.”


As a result, she has become a men­tor to hundreds of successful fashion designers and is a crucial resource for industrial attachment and internship for students studying fashion, textiles, and garment studies at both public and private universities.


Adjoa Yeboah Clothing was honoured as the Fashion Brand of the Year at the 2019 Women’s Choice Awards due to her outstanding leadership and stellar delivery of fashion outfits in the year under review.

Furthermore, her clothing line has collaborated with Media General/ TV3’s flagship culture and entertain­ment show ‘Ghana’s Most Beautiful’ as the fashion hub of choice.

She also collab­orated with esteemed national and international personalities and fashion brands such as Vlisco (including the Vlisco Ambassador project) to outdoor many spectacular product collections.


Adjoa worked with Vlisco as a fashion designer in 2014 where she designed and clothed Vlisco’s Ambas­sadors.

She also curated looks for other Vlisco influencers as well as those for Vlisco Radiance Bridal fair. In 2017, she partnered and unveiled Vlisco Capsule Collection in the flagship store at Accra Mall.


Like any entrepreneur, she faces challenges, particularly in balancing creative innovation with the daily management of the business. Earlier on, she saw the need for more training to manage the operational side of the brand, which led her to pursue further studies in management.


Again, she was affected gravely by the high cost of production (ie mate­rials, power, and accessories) which affects the cost of the final product.


Adjoa aims to position her clothing line as a globally recognised brand that continues to empower women and inspire the next generation of designers.

She also want to continue advocat­ing for the empowerment of women and children, using her platform to make a positive impact.



She pursued a management degree at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) to enhance her business skills, and also completed the Women Entrepreneur­ship and Leadership Africa (WELA) Pro­gramme at the China Europe Interna­tional Business School to learn how to position the brand for global success.


Adjoa Yeboah loves listening to a blend of soul, jazz and traditional music, and likes to travel to the coun­tryside to enjoy nature as a source of inspiration. She also loves to read and watch latest trends in the world of fashion.


Born to Mr George Adjei Anobi and Madam Faustina Kyeremaa, she is the first among four siblings – (three girls and a boy) and hails from Berekum in the Bono region.


Adjoa wants the youth to focus on what they’re passionate about and dedicate time and resources to mas­tering their skills. Excellence doesn’t happen overnight—it’s a result of consistent effort and learning.

By Linda Abrefi Wadie



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