Pages of the brain
Believe in yourself and make your own future for you are in the exact repli¬ca of the Most High God.
Never live by your performance but by your potentials and willingness to execute that which will not harm the environment, society and future gener¬ations, for what we have built together is worth pre¬serving.
Others have laboured and we share the glory… ours is to execute our best and add to their sweat for posterity will take up the lyrics of our story in melodic tune and play the rhythm through, in all suitable keys to define the mood for the benefit of Nature.
Do not forget that fault finders do not let the world grow for right thinking is the fruit of integrity. Even garbage minds can be recy¬cled.
If you cannot add any¬thing positive to our world then do not touch it. We must leave the world bet¬ter than we found it.
If you and I can each contribute a little we can do a lot for our global village.
Irrespective of the challenges we encounter in life, we must live legally and enjoy life legally.
For all stories teach us something but what would the story of your life teach others?
Knowledge is carnal and operates on function¬al fixedness. Creativity is divine and supersedes knowledge.
The unconscious mind is far more suited to creative insight than the conscious mind.
Trust yourself and your own distinct style will develop. What you believe you can be is what you will become. Learning and do¬ing cultivate creativity.
Never team up with the devil or be coached by his tricks and destroy the world. Be a builder and not a destroyer for what we have built together is worth preserving.
Pursue your own vision until you find the real co¬lours of love and of intelli¬gence.
May every sunrise bring you hope and may every sunset bring you absolute peace.
God bless us all.