
Qualities to look out for in your marriage counsellor

As you begin your journey of mar­riage, remember that seeking help from a professional mar­riage therapist or counsellor can be a valuable asset to your relationship.

I admit there are so many charac­teristics you would have to consider when choosing your marriage ther­apist or counsellor. Therefore, I will start by introducing you to the core qualities that your marriage counsel­lor or therapist must possess:

1. Professional qualifications and credentials

Check the counsellor’s qualifica­tions, such as their educational back­ground, counselling certifications, and any specialised training in marriage counselling (for instance, Counselor Prince & Associates Consult’s ‘Cer­tificate in Counselling and Marriage Therapy,’ which is accredited by Gha­na Psychology Council (GPC).


Ensure the therapist or counsel­lor has appropriate credentials and is licensed or at least certified. For instance, if you are in Ghana, the counsellor must be licensed with the Ghana Psychology Council (GPC).

2. Rapport building and creating a welcoming atmosphere

Your marriage therapist or coun­sellor should possess the critical skills of building rapport and creating a welcoming environment for you and your partner.

Imagine you and your partner walk into a marriage counsellor’s office for the first time. You are nervous, vulnerable, and unsure about what lies ahead.


It is important that the counsellor you choose understands the value of rapport building and creating a warm and inviting space for you both.

Rapport building is the foundation of any successful counselling relation­ship. It is all about your counsellor establishing a connection, trust, and understanding with you and your part­ner.

Creating a welcoming atmosphere goes beyond having a cozy office or providing refreshments. It is about making you and your partner feel val­ued and respected from the moment you step through the door.

Your counsellor should start by greeting you and your partner with a smile and a genuine welcome. They must show sincere concern, making it clear that your struggles matter to them.


The counsellor must pay attention to their own body language, ensuring it conveys openness and approach­ability. For instance, a simple gesture like offering you a comfortable seat or a bottle of water can go a long way in making you feel at ease.

Finally, remember that building a rapport and creating a welcoming atmosphere is an ongoing process. That means your counsellor must con­tinuously check in with you and your partner, ask for your feedback, and adjust their approach accordingly.

3. Strong communication skills

A good marriage counsellor or therapist should have excellent active listening skills, questioning skills, clarification and reflecting skills, as well as general communication skills, just to mention a few.


Your counsellor should be able to facilitate constructive dialogue between you and your partner.

For your counsellor to be a good listener, they must make you feel heard and understood. This means giving you undivided attention, main­taining eye contact, and responding empathically to your concerns.

The counsellor should be able to articulate his or her thoughts, wisdom and guidance to you and your partner in a clear manner.

4. Impartial and non-judgmental attitude


The counsellor or therapist should have the ability to create a safe and non-judgmental space for you. It is essential that you and your part­ner feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, emotions, and concerns without fear of criticism or condem­nation.

A skilled counsellor should main­tain a non-judgmental and objective stance when helping you.

A professional marriage counsel­lor will remain neutral and unbiased throughout the therapeutic process. They will not take sides or favour one partner over the other.

Instead, they will listen to both of you attentively, offer insights, and guide you towards a deeper under­standing of your relationship dynam­ics. This objectivity helps ensure fairness and creates a safe space for both of you to express your feelings and concerns.


Remember, the journey to growth and experiencing a happy and fulfill­ing marriage begins with you feeling safe and well supported.

To be continued …

Source: Excerpts from ‘Preparing for a Happy and Fulfilling Marriage’ Book by REV. COUNSELOR PRINCE OFFEI (Psychotherapist and Marriage Therapist). https://counselorprin­­ing-psych

https://princeoffei22.wixsite. com/website




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