
Reversing stress …the role of Emotional surgery – Final part

 It is particularly important in those who create inter­nal stress and worry about things outside their control. A suggestion to inculcate the principles into high school teaching must be adopted.

The role of the many listed strategies are all to bring the body’s temperature and pressure to as near baseline or rested levels as possible. The concept of emotional surgery recognises surgery as a huge emotional activity for every­body and uses colour frequen­cies and abstract objects to speak through the eyes to the brain to reassure the mind.

Itseduces the brain by inducing the neurons to create unique neural platforms that remove what is not good from the human brain and mind. It could be self-induced to bring all components of the body, organs and all, to a base equilibrium.

It is best prior to being given anesthesia after the anesthetist has done his/ her pre-assessment. Either as a slide show or video, the patient is introduced to an array of colours and objects in a soothing mix that slowly and gradually brings the body’s activities to its resting level. The patient is rid of all anxi­ety and a minimum anesthetic dose maybe enough to allow surgery to take place success­fully. It is even better if the patient is introduced to emo­tional surgery when surgery is being contemplated.


It allows thedecision to have the surgery to be made, devoid of anxiety and in an emotionally pleasing atmo­sphere that will boost the confidence of the surgeon and the rest of the team. Again because of the state of equi­librium in which patient was prior to surgery, recovery from anesthesia is quick and hope­fully, also from the surgery.

Emotional Surgery, is a highly complex human brain and human heart programming software for winding down after a hard day’s work or as a montage for viewing either at home or in a gallery. It serves to assist the rich and famous in business who have lost hope in life suffering from various medical conditions including non-communicable diseases-cancer, hypertention, dia­betes, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), emotional disorders, etc. It solves the problems of every situation in life. The pervasiveness of gen­eral anxiety in today’s society must make a programme such as this an everyday endeavour and a must watch that will bring quietness, calmness and serenity to the soul.

All patients with stress related diseases in particu­lar the non-communicable diseases such as hyperten­sion, diabetes and a myriad of nervous disorders must incorporate emotional sur­gery into their management. The businessmen and women and high end executives need emotional surgery to reduce their anxiety levels. It could be incorporated into strategic planning and team building regimen to create a harmoni­ous work environment.

As a Ghanaian, I feel proud about Emotional Surgery and the originator being Ghanaian (United States trained Special­ist) makes it even more worth­while. I have always believed that where a disease abounds the treatment or mitigation, lurks in the backyard. Ghana unfortunately has an explosion of non-communicable diseas­es and there is no concerted effort to find the reasons for the epidemic. A two per cent prevalence for hypertension in the 1950s has now become almost 50% in some studies and 0.2% for diabetes in the 1960s is now almost 10%. Anywhere else the alarm bells would have sounded a long­time ago and research work


 started on why the explosion. In a country where no money is spent on research, nothing happens other than diagnosis and treatment. It is business as usual.

At least Emotional Surgery may give citizens of the world some respite by bringing our bodyand soul into equilibri­um.

Ref: Prof. Agyeman Badu Akosa, Nana Ekow Crassey, Prof. Matthew Walker, Dr. B. Van Der Kolk .

By Robert Ekow-Grimmond Thompson



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