Obaa Yaa
They say am a witch
Dear Obaa Yaa,
I am only 15 years old and I stay with my aunt and her family. All was fine at home until my aunt started going to a certain priest for prayers.
This priest then told my aunt that I am witch and that I should be taken to somewhere for purification.
What I want to know is how does someone know whether one is a witch or not? I am miserable because every night my aunt would recite some psalms on my head before she sleeps.
Because of this accusation, I have been receiving insults from my cousins. I am planning to run away.
Mawusi, Keta
Dear Mawusi,
Your auntie is not a nice person, but it’s not her fault. It is the priest who is making her to behave like that. And sometimes these priest have so much influence on people that they believe and do whatever they are told.
On the other hand, if you discover that the pressure at home is too much for you, tell your auntie and move back to your parents.
Whatever happens, please don’t run away. If your aunti refuses to send you home but harass you, then find a way to send a message to your people at home. Don’t worry about the psalms that she reads, they cannot harm you. And lastly I don’t think you should worry about who is a witch or who is not because obviously, you are not.