
Tips for surviving stressful experiences final

Stay away from alcohol

A drink to bring on sleep or to take off the edge is one way some choose to go through the stress of a traumatic event. They’re trying to numb the emotions or forget things. It may feel like it’s working in the short term, but it can do damage in the long run. The problem is, if the stress continues, alcohol (or drug) use may continue, too. That could lead to mental and physical problems and long-term dependence.

Get back into your routine

Regular life can be interrupted by a traumatic event. A goal for those trying to get past the stress of trauma is to return to a day-to-day schedule as soon as possible. Getting your groove back can help you re-establish a sense of normalcy and regain a sense of control over your life.


Fix the little things

Take the time to resolve small conflicts in your life so they don’t build up and add stress. If you have large tasks, break them into little ones, set some priorities, and then tackle them when you can. Checking those off your list will let you focus on the bigger battles.

Take stock

You can ease the stress of traumatic events by stepping back, taking stock of your life, and concentrating on what’s important. Strengthen bonds with family, friends, and community. Reassess personal goals and come up with a plan to reach them. Volunteer and give a little more to charity. All of these things can help overcome the stress of trauma.



Even if you’re unfamiliar with meditation, turning inward to ease stress can help. Deep breathing or focusing on your exhale can help ease your mind and relax you. Focus your attention on breathing or on parts of your body while you meditate. That can keep your brain from thinking about your stress. You may want to repeat a mantra or pray. Mindfulness, tai chi, and yoga are also great ways to find your calm.

Celebrate life

It’s important to realise that it’s OK to feel joy, to celebrate successes, and revel in the warmth of your family and friends even after a traumatic event. It’s all part of the road to recovery.


Turn up the tunes

A recent study found that cultural events like sports and the arts can help communities recover from a shared trauma. Music, too, can be integral to communities and individuals, whether it be music therapy, making music, or just listening. Meditating while hearing a favourite song can help, too.


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