
Accra-Tema train shuttle okay but…

Dear Editor,

Few months ago, I wrote to commend the management of the Ghana Railways Company Limited (GRCL) following resumption of the Accra-Tema passenger train service.

Feedback from some members of the public indicates the service has been beneficial to commuters since it got back on track on Monday, July 18, 2022.  Some people say the shuttle is relatively cheaper compared with the cost of travelling on commercial buses.

I am, however, concerned about the somewhat limited number of trips the train embarks on daily basis in spite of the seemingly increased patronage of the service.


Living close to a train station in my area, I notice the train arrives early morning around 6am to pick passengers and again drops them off around 6:30 pm. I believe the shuttle is fixed around these times as it is considered the rush hour for workers, traders and other business people.

Nonetheless, there could be a mid-morning or afternoon shuttle for people whose jobs do not require them to leave home very early, in addition to a shuttle after 6 pm which would also help workers returning very late to their places of residence.

While I stand to be corrected, I have noticed that the single train operating currently looks different from the modern one we were told had been procured some time ago. If the new trains are still not in use, it is time they were deployed to augment the existing ones.

I must say I am impressed with the effort of the GRCL to improve and revamp the rail transportation system in the country but I believe the concerns identified here can be addressed in the interim while the company works towards expanding operations to other parts of the country.


James Kwame Wilson,

Sakumono, Greater Accra Region.


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