
Breast cancer with diet: lifestyle modification

Fruits and vegetables can help maintain a balance diet

Last week we discussed how we can protect our health against breast cancer with vegetables.

This week, we will be looking at cer­tain diets and lifestyles that increase our risk of breast cancer, and how we can modify them.

Breast cancer rates correlate with the amount of fat, alcohol, red and processed meat and caffeine in the diet.


These foods increase the production of estrogen and other steroids, which are major culprits in increasing the risk of breast cancer.

People with higher intake of the aforementioned foods have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Also, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and cigarette smoking all contribute greatly to breast cancer formation by increasing oestrogen production.

Way forward


Red meats such as beef and goat meat should be consumed in modera­tion or replaced with white meats such as chicken and turkey.

Plant-based oils such as coconut oil and sunflower oil can be used instead of animal-based fats such as butter and cheese.

Alcohol should be taken in modera­tion.

Weight control and physical activity are important factors in reducing the risk of developing breast cancer.


Cessation of cigarette smoking will go a long way in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

This is our last episode for the breast cancer month. You can protect your health against breast cancer through your diet and modification of your life­style.

As we dive into a new chapter next month, always remember; your diet your health, your health your wealth.

The writer is a Nutritionist and CEO of Holistic Health Consult


“Your diet your health, your health your wealth”


 By Asare Korkor Bernice



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