Backpain is undoubtedly one of the commonest complaint Whenever I get to attend to clients, backpain is undoubtedly one of the commonest complaints. Sometimes I wonder...
I am not sure why I have the urge to write on Diabetes this morning. Maybe it’s the shock of hearing that someone I know had...
The past few years I have been thinking a lot about how to make the life of elderly parents fulfilling and with less stress on our...
We all agree that “decent work must be safe” yet many of us have not shown enough commitment; governments, employers and employees all have duties, rights...
The brain For centuries the heart has been touted as the seat of love and rightfully so. It appears to bear the brunt of all emotions;...
For centuries the heart has been touted as the seat of love and rightfully so. It appears to bear the brunt of all emotions; missed beats,...
Eating in small plates makes you eat less food I can confidently suggest to you that many of us choose our food based on how quickly...
Farming have become a preserve of the elderly Why do we still go globe-trotting calabash in hand, a large entourage in tow and officials back home...
Smoking damages the blood vessels Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition that affects people of all ages around the world. It...
The majority of us yearn for a long health span filled with laughter/happiness and the good things of life including wealth. This dream is possible and...