
Check nuisance on roads

There is growing indiscipline on the roads that appear to be going unpunished, giving drivers the impetus to flout road regulations.

If these are allowed to go un­checked and unpunished, it could plunge into chaos on the roads and in the process endanger lives and property.

On the ‘Feo Eyoo’ Street in front of the New Times Corpo­ration (NTC), truck drivers have made it a habit of driving at nights, overloaded with goods ex­ceeding the height limit structure mounted before the roundabout under the Neoplan Station stretch of the ‘Circle Dubai.’

In the absence of the police, they block traffic and use the opposite lane, exposing the over­pass to the dangers the height limit would have thwarted.

The problem is spread across several parts of the capital and it’s important for the Motor Transport and Traffic Depart­ment (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service and other agencies to enforce the rules on the roads.

Apart from concerns on the road, it appears hawkers have taken over every space of pave­ments provided along the major streets in the capital.

Below are some of the worrying scenes captured by the lenses of our roving reporter.  


 From Dzifa Tetteh Tay, Tema


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