
Chinese Teaching Centre established in Kumasi

Prof. Su Vibo and Mrs Cecelia Agyei Amoako signing the agreement. Looking on are officials of the two outfits

 The Confucius Institute of China through the Kwame Nkrumah University of Sci­ence and Technology (KNUST) has established a Chinese Teaching Centre at the Hilltop Platinum School at Daban in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region.

At the signing of the Memoran­dum of Understanding (MoU) last week, Prof. Daniel Y. A. Duah, Dean of International Programmes Office-KNUST and the Ghanaian Director of the Confucius Insti­tute, explained that on November 19, 2023, a MoU was signed with the Confucius Institute to estab­lish the teaching Centre at the University.

Apart from the KNUST, Prof. Duah, who represented the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Rita Akosua Dick­son, said two centres have also been established at the University of Ghana, Legon, and University of Cape Coast.


But, he said the centre at the Hilltop Platinum School brings to two the number of Chinese language teaching centres estab­lished in basic schools in Kumasi, with the first being at the KNUST basic school.

He said China was far advanced in terms of technology, therefore, learning the language would be beneficial in exploring their cul­ture, education and technology.

“Let it not only be music and dance; let us learn the language, use it as a means to an end to get the best out of them in terms of technology,” he emphasised.

Prof. Su Zibo, Director of the Confucius Institute, said it would facilitate partnerships between Hilltop Platinum School and Chinese educational institutions, promoting academic exchange and collaboration.


“The best thing we can do is to involve students and teachers into programmes where you will be sponsored to go to China to see what China is like, to learn the language. This is what we can do here,” he stated.

Dr Kwadwo Amoako, Director of Hilltop Platinum School, praised the Confucius Institute as he took participants through the roles of the Institute, including promot­ing Chinese language and culture globally, fostering greater under­standing and exchange between China and other countries.




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