
Don’t prophesy to cause fear and panic

Dear Editor,

Curtains on the year 2024, is gradually drawing to close, with many, achieving their dreams while others hope for a better 2025.

Amidst this, churches have planned their watch night ser­vices with various themes for the night hoping to give Chris­tians and Ghanaians at large a chance to enter the New Year with optimism.

At the service, there will prophecies or predictions for the coming year, with some causing fear and panic among the populace.


In the year 2021, the Ghana Police Service banned proph­ecies during 31st night services, also known as watch night services.

Such prophecies, according to the police has caused fear and panic among targeted persons

It seems churches and their leaders have forgotten about this ban, I wish to call in the police to remind the churches to enforce the ban which were mostly about the death of promi­nent persons in the society.

I believe this will again bring sanity into the Christianity and the society at whole



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