
From passion to plate: Chichi Yakubu’s culinary journey

Chichi and family

Driven by her personal weight loss journey and passion for healthy eating, Chichi Yakubu has carved a niche for herself in the culinary industry.

Her dedication and commitment has turned her business, NyoNyo Essentials, to one of Ghana’s most sought-after catering companies in the country.

Born to a Nigerian father and a Ghanaian mother, Chichi grew up in a family of passionate women at Mamprobi Polytechnic.

Her mother, an avid cook, started a small catering business, which Chichi helped manage during vaca­tions.

“From upper primary through to Junior High School, I will close from school to go and help my mother at her small food stand at Sakaman to do the dishes after her customers had eaten.


Her mother was known for her special dough Banku with Okro soup. Her small food joint ex­panded to become a chop bar where she worked at when on vacations.

She acknowledged that, “this early exposure to entrepreneurship sparked my interest in the culinary industry.”

After her university education, Chichi embarked on a weight loss journey, which led her to explore the culinary side of things.

According to Chichi, her weight loss journey began after she real­ised in her late teens her family struggle with weight.

“I wasn’t going to just allow it but someway, somehow, I started gaining so much weight in my early twenties and I decided to take ac­tion by changing my lifestyle by eat­ing healthy and exercising. That’s what got me interested in meal prepping which eventually became my side hustle,” she narrated.


Chichi later discovered the business potential of healthy food and decided to pursue it. Also her friends were curious about her weight loss strategies, which inspired her to offer meal-prep services at a fee.

With a bold vision and determina­tion, Chichi started small, offering sandwiches, salads, and smoothies.

Leveraging social media market­ing, she reached a wider audience and grew her business rapidly.

Today, Chichi is the Chief Execu­tive Officer of Nyonyo Essential, a business that has expanded to cater for weddings, parties, and corpo­rate events with her team providing excellent service, and word-of-mouth referrals have helped her expand her client base.


Again, Chichi has also opened kitchen centres in selected areas, providing healthy food options to Ghanaians.

She mentioned that, her mother has been her number one supporter saying “she had the blue print handed down to me. I started my business in her kitchen, and she also spared me some of her workers when the new people I had hired didn’t show up.

“My then boyfriend and now husband believed in me even when I was not sure to do it full time as I was in cor­porate Ghana and not doing bad.”

Chichi said one of her biggest challenges was staff retention, adding that she was of the opinion that the work itself was not much of a challenge but the people.

The other thing was stereotyping, saying that, “some years back people look down on food business op­erators, we were not regarded as profes­sionals with others assuming we are school dropouts or just people who don’t know what we are about.”

But I was determined to change that narrative by handling work with the outmost professionalism, which I have since the beginning of my weight loss journey in 2014.


Chichi is motivated by her faith in Christ, her passion for entrepre­neurship, and her commitment to empowering women.

As a wife, mother, and business owner, she strives to create a bal­ance that reflects her vision of an all-rounded woman.

In business, she emphasised, her drive comes from a deep love for the hospitality industry and a desire to help others succeed through the business of catering by NyoNyo, saying that, “My belief that Jesus is Lord guides my decisions, ensur­ing that integrity, excellence, and purpose shape both my life and business.”

She urged young people, espe­cially young women, who are just starting out in their careers or en­trepreneurial journeys to believe in themselves, trust God’s timing, and be willing to put in the work.

Chichi and family having fun at the beach

Moreover, she said “success does not happen overnight, so stay consistent, be patient, and keep learning. Surround yourself with the right people, mentors, peers, and a support system that challenges and encourages you.”

“Opportunities don’t pause for perfection. While we overthink, others take action. Start where you are, with what you have. The world moves fast—so should we,” – Chichi Yakubu advised

She again added that women should embrace their multifacet­ed roles without guilt saying “you can be an entrepreneur, a wife, a mother, and a sister’s keeper all at once. Most importantly, stay true to your values and never compromise on integrity. Let your journey reflect both purpose and excellence.”

Chichi Yakubu

Chicihi loves to spend quality time away from the noise of life in new places or go on an adventure with her family and friends.

She is a product of Christian home school, Okuapeman secondary, Cen­tral University College and Harvard University.

By Jemima Esinam Kuatsinu



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