
Ghana Disability Excellence Awards on Sept 26

The second edition of the Ghana Disability Excellence Awards, is slated for Sunday, September 26, at the Accra Digital Centre.

The awards scheme is aimed at recognising Persons with Disability (PWDs) and excelling in their fields of endeavour.

The scheme, which is an initiative of Fon Ghana in partnership with the Ghana Federation of Disability, also seeks to honour organisations or individuals who have come up with initiatives that are geared towards the betterment of people with disability.  

The theme of this year’s event is “Full Participation Amongst Persons With Disability To Access Progress.” 


Some of the categories to be awarded include Excellence in Education, Excellence in Training, Excellence in Healthcare, Excellence in Innovation, Excellence in Technology, Excellence in Leadership, Excellence in Disability Campaign and  Student Advocacy Group.

The rest are Excellence in Social Participation, Excellence in Media Advocacy, Excellence in Television/Radio Advocacy, Excellence in Employment Opportunity, Extraordinary Achiever in Entrepreneurship, Extraordinary Achiever in Journalism, Extraordinary Achiever in Sports,Excellence in Education and Excellence in Training.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Fon Ghana, Ivan Banns Abban, said he felt the need to organise the awards by looking at how persons with disability were neglected.



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