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 Health benefits of potatoes

• Potatoes


-Bone health; The iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, and zinc in potatoes help in body building and maintain bone structure and strength.

-Reduce blood pressure – A low sodium intake is essential for maintaining a healthy blood pressure, but increas­ing potassium intake may be just as important. Potassium encourages vasodilation, or the widening of the blood vessels.

-Inflammation; Choline is an important and versatile nutrient that is present in potatoes. It helps in muscle move­ment, mood, learning, and memory.


– Cancer; Fibre intake from fruits and vegetables like potatoes are associ­ated with a lowered risk of colorec­tal cancer.

-Digestion and regularity: The fibre content in potatoes helps to prevent constipation and promotes regularity for a healthy digestive tract.


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 Benefits of Tamarind Juice

Tamarind seed
Tamarind seed

Tamarind juice is particu­larly abundant in vitamin C, which is important for a strong immune system, healthy skin and wound healing.

Additionally, tamarind provides significant amounts of B vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, as well as essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and iron.

– Antioxidant properties

Tamarind contains po­tent antioxidants, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, which combat harmful free radicals in the body. This ox­idative stress reduction can help prevent cell damage and lower the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer.


-Digestive health

Tamarind contains dietary fibre and natural laxatives that promote regular bowel movements, alleviate con­stipation and improve over­all gastrointestinal health.”

– Heart health

Regular consumption of tamarind juice may have a positive impact on cardio­vascular health. It can help lower cholesterol levels due to its high fibre content and antioxidants, reducing the risk of heart disease.


– Anti-inflammatory prop­erties

Tamarind juice does a great job in curbing in­flammation in the body. High in anti-inflammatory compounds such as polyphe­nols and bioflavonoids, this property makes it potential­ly beneficial for individuals suffering from conditions like arthritis or chronic in­flammatory diseases.

– High magnesium content

Tamarind is rich in mag­nesium- 110 mg per 120 g of pulp. This simply con­cludes that drinking tama­rind is a convenient way to meet your daily magnesium requirements. It plays an important role in the for­mation of bones, regulates heart rhythm, and contrac­tion of muscles, and keeps blood sugar levels under check.



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Tamarind drink (Saamia)

Tamarind drink
Tamarind drinknu


• 100 grams of tama­rind seed (peeled including seeds)

• Water

• 50 grams of ginger


• 2 grams of alligator pepper

• 3 grams of cloves

• Sugar to taste



• Peel and wash ginger, cloves, alligator pepper and blend.

• Soak tamarind overnight (optional)

• Boil water and pour over tamarind

• Soak for several hours


• Mash the mixture for the pulp to come off the seeds

• Add grounded or blend­ed spices to the mixture

• Add water and boil for 30 minutes

• Put off fire and allow to cool


• Sieve and strain to get rid of particles (spices and pulp)

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