Infertility issues: Women advised to examine partner’s scrotum

● Dr. Dixie Constantini
Women have been advised to cultivate the habit of frequently examining the scrotum of their spouses with their fingers to see if it is of abnormal size.
This practice is more likely to help them (the women) see if there is a problem with the scrotum so that their partners will seek medical assistance from a Urologist as early as possible especially in cases where the couple has been trying to conceive.
“Infertility isn’t only a woman’s problem. Sometimes the men are the problem, too, and so you could gently help him examine his scrotum with your finger from time to time but do not press it too hard as this could cause pain”.
A Specialist Obstetrician Gynaecologist with the Women’s Health Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dr Dixie Constantini said these in an interview with The Spectator on Wednesday.
She noted that varicocele which was a cause of infertility in men made the veins in a man’s scrotum (the sac where the testicles are found) sometimes be a little dilated than normal.
“This usually happens during the teenage years and can grow larger with time and is usually found on the left side and could be felt by touching the scrotum” she disclosed.
She said that the condition may not be painful in some men but for others, sometimes they could cause pain or a bit of discomfort especially after the man had been engaged in a task that involved long hours of standing.
She said diagnosis was easily confirmed via ultrasound of the scrotum.
“When the veins are dilated in this area , we say there is a varicocele present and varicoceles usually do not need to be surgically fixed if they don’t cause any problems” Dr. Constantini said.
She warned that varicocele could cause fertility problems in men though some men might have it and have no problem with their fertility and so it was important that a Urologist was contacted to know which category one belonged.
“Having a varicocele can affect the temperature in or around the testicle. If the temperature is too high, it can affect sperm formation, movement and function. This can lead to low sperm production and decreased sperm quality, which can cause infertility” she said.
She said it was unfortunate that some men were unable to father a child just because of this problem that was easily solvable by visiting a urologist.
She assured that once fixed, getting a partner pregnant was usually possible, either naturally or via In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF).
She said it was important that couples who were trying to conceive should get both tested .
“Don’t get tested alone. Go with your partner to get checked too” she advised women to prevent delays in conception.
From Dzifa Tetteh Tay, Tema.