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Let’s ensure discipline in senior high schools

 I am writing to express concern about the growing indiscipline in some senior high schools (SHSs) in the country.

It has become alarming, to say the least and the earlier some­thing is done about it, the better for all.

Recent reports and a personal experience have highlighted a worrying trend of unruly be­haviours, disobedience and utter disrespect among some students.

This level of indiscipline man­ifests in various ways such as disregard for school rules and au­thority, bullying and intimidation of fellow students, vandalism, destruction of school property and engaging in other negative social vices.


These behaviours do not only disrupt the learning but also create a hostile environment for students and teachers.

It is important that this issue is addressed promptly to ensure that our children who are the future leaders receive quality education and develop as respon­sible citizens.

I implore school administra­tions, parents and stakeholders in the education sector to collabo­rate to enforce discipline among the school children to check misbehaviour, provide guidance and counselling for students and encourage positive behaviour and role models.

In ensuring this, teachers and staff must be supported to main­tain order to collectively promote discipline and excellence in the schools.


Anita Nyarko-Yirenkyi,


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 Make Heritage Day celebration compulsory for workers

 Dear Editor,

I want to use this platform to suggest that the celebration of Heritage Month is declared compulsory, especially for workers in state agencies.

It is very interesting watching broadcasters adorned in diverse tra­ditional regalia on our screens, tell­ing the stories of the various tribes in the country.

But away from the television sets, there is practically nothing to see in town suggesting the celebration of such an important activity.


Once in the month, we also see our school children celebrating the event by dressing to depict where they come from.

But just as was done with the Chocolate Day celebration, I wish to suggest that workers in state agencies are forced to partake in the event. Within that month, every working staff should be made to dress in African prints or ones that would show where they come from.

That, to a large extent would give people a lot of education about their ancestry and their cultural values.

I have a few friends that are Gas from the Greater Accra region but because their parents stayed in other regions and gave birth to them outside Accra, they have little or no idea about where they actually come from.


Some of these activities would go a long way to educate such people to know their real homes.

I expect the Ministry of Tourism to play an active role in the success of this exercise.

Stella Twum,

Central Region

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 Make Heritage Day celebration compulsory for workers

 Dear Editor,

I want to use this platform to suggest that the celebration of Heritage Month is declared compulsory, especially for workers in state agencies.

It is very interesting watching broadcasters adorned in diverse tra­ditional regalia on our screens, tell­ing the stories of the various tribes in the country.

But away from the television sets, there is practically nothing to see in town suggesting the celebration of such an important activity.


Once in the month, we also see our school children celebrating the event by dressing to depict where they come from.

But just as was done with the Chocolate Day celebration, I wish to suggest that workers in state agencies are forced to partake in the event. Within that month, every working staff should be made to dress in African prints or ones that would show where they come from.

That, to a large extent would give people a lot of education about their ancestry and their cultural values.

I have a few friends that are Gas from the Greater Accra region but because their parents stayed in other regions and gave birth to them outside Accra, they have little or no idea about where they actually come from.


Some of these activities would go a long way to educate such people to know their real homes.

I expect the Ministry of Tourism to play an active role in the success of this exercise.

Stella Twum,

Central Region

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