Obaa Yaa
Love is only a small part of it
Dear Obaa Yaa,
I am a 20-year-old Senior High School graduate living with my parents.
About two weeks ago, I met a young lady who I have fallen so much in love with.
Even though I have qualified to enter a tertiary institution, I want to marry this lady before someone grabs her.
Obaa Yaa, can I go ahead and marry her before continuing my education since education is no race?
David, Ho.
Dear David,
Please take a cue from the saying that ‘first things first’. It is not advisable to stop school just because you want to get married to this lady. Getting married can’t be a priority over education.
You can, however, still be in school and engage her if you are so desperate about clinching her from others.
Whatever it is, remember that your education is more important because that is how you can attain a lucrative career to enable you look after a wife.
Getting married is more than merely falling in love. It inevitably entails putting food on the table, bringing up children, paying school fees, electricity and water bills.
Eventually, you will realise that love is only a small part of the entire enterprise.