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Make Mother’s Day special

Mother’s Day is commemo­rated worldwide tomorrow. It is a wonderful day to honour mothers everywhere for the special role they have played in our lives over the years.

We must endeavour to make a mother happy on this special day, whether she is your biological mother, aunt, stepmother, grand­mother, or another mother figure.

Mothers are the backbone of society; they start in the home and extend across communities and the nation.

Many are the struggles that mothers go through as they raise their children with unwavering love, cherishing, educating, train­ing, and disciplining them so they become responsible adults.


Being a mother is unique and undoubtedly no mean achieve­ment. It is time to honour mothers for their unwavering devotion and affection, which have greatly in­fluenced how our lives have turned out.

Some mothers have raised and mothered children from all walks of life in addition to their biological children. Many orphans have ben­efited from their mother figures’ selfless affection.

When giving birth, mothers ex­perience a great deal of suffering; some survive, but some pass away, leaving their children and other family members in excruciating misery.

After losing their spouses, some mothers experienced a great deal of suffering, rejection, insomnia, and other difficulties. These women then became single mothers and raised their children to become responsible people on their own.


Mothers sacrifice a great deal for their family, and in some cases, even when their spouses are still alive, they are the primary bread­winners.

Some mothers engage in menial jobs such as sweeping the streets, going from house to house washing people’s clothes, and completing cleaning tasks in order to make ends meet and guarantee that their children have enough.

The Spectator urges all to plan a treat for a mother tomorrow, if you can, take her out for lunch or supper; otherwise, spend time together at home eating special meal, drinking, and having fun.

You still have the option to sur­prise your mother with something lovely. Buy your mother a card, fragrant soap, flowers, perfume, clothes, food items such as provi­sions, jewelry, even a phone, or other gifts if you can afford.


What matters most is not the cost but the thought and love behind whatever you decide to give her. Or you could find out what she likes and buy it for her.

As mothers play diverse and un­ending roles, let us celebrate and honour them tomorrow for their commitment, love, and care.

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 Make Heritage Day celebration compulsory for workers

 Dear Editor,

I want to use this platform to suggest that the celebration of Heritage Month is declared compulsory, especially for workers in state agencies.

It is very interesting watching broadcasters adorned in diverse tra­ditional regalia on our screens, tell­ing the stories of the various tribes in the country.

But away from the television sets, there is practically nothing to see in town suggesting the celebration of such an important activity.


Once in the month, we also see our school children celebrating the event by dressing to depict where they come from.

But just as was done with the Chocolate Day celebration, I wish to suggest that workers in state agencies are forced to partake in the event. Within that month, every working staff should be made to dress in African prints or ones that would show where they come from.

That, to a large extent would give people a lot of education about their ancestry and their cultural values.

I have a few friends that are Gas from the Greater Accra region but because their parents stayed in other regions and gave birth to them outside Accra, they have little or no idea about where they actually come from.


Some of these activities would go a long way to educate such people to know their real homes.

I expect the Ministry of Tourism to play an active role in the success of this exercise.

Stella Twum,

Central Region

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 Make Heritage Day celebration compulsory for workers

 Dear Editor,

I want to use this platform to suggest that the celebration of Heritage Month is declared compulsory, especially for workers in state agencies.

It is very interesting watching broadcasters adorned in diverse tra­ditional regalia on our screens, tell­ing the stories of the various tribes in the country.

But away from the television sets, there is practically nothing to see in town suggesting the celebration of such an important activity.


Once in the month, we also see our school children celebrating the event by dressing to depict where they come from.

But just as was done with the Chocolate Day celebration, I wish to suggest that workers in state agencies are forced to partake in the event. Within that month, every working staff should be made to dress in African prints or ones that would show where they come from.

That, to a large extent would give people a lot of education about their ancestry and their cultural values.

I have a few friends that are Gas from the Greater Accra region but because their parents stayed in other regions and gave birth to them outside Accra, they have little or no idea about where they actually come from.


Some of these activities would go a long way to educate such people to know their real homes.

I expect the Ministry of Tourism to play an active role in the success of this exercise.

Stella Twum,

Central Region

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