Palaver of the past (final)

The past year was a very bad one for me. I nearly got paralysed and was supposed to die. But I refused. Instead, my mum died two weeks after I recovered, and up till this day, I’ve been grieving in my heart for her loss. In any case because life must go on, Sikaman Palava must also move on.
Last year, the entire country also had a funeral with Joe Lartey, the greatest commentator ever in the history of Sikaman, as the Abusuapanin. ‘WEEP NOT JOE LARTEY, was the headline of my article which mourned Ghana’s loss in the grand finale of the 18th African Cup of Nations.
“…It was like a bride who had ran away with another man just before the wedding ceremony. It was a honeymoon that was never consummated. For a moment the wind stopped blowing and all living things in the territory mourned in their hearts. It was victory so near yet so distant.”
“The Unity Cup was just in sight. But too soon, it was burgled away by neighbouring Cote d’Ivoire. Like others, I felt they did not deserve the Cup and, therefore, thought they must have stolen it in the full glare of everybody as Sikaman natives looked on helplessly.”
Ghana lost, but in March, Azumah Nelson cheered our hearts. I wrote, “For the first time in a couple of weeks, Joe Lartey smiled contentedly. But he was careful enough to have left the bottle of champagne at home before reaching the studio.”
That was when Zoom Zoom taught Jeff Fenech the psychology behind wicked boxing that earned him the title ‘Professor’.
The title was ‘THE DANGERS OF OVER-BOXING’. “Two minutes into the eighth round, the African ring-master proved to the whole world that he was a true son of Bukom. He himself was cornered, but like the tough nut he is, he managed to break free before overwhelming the panting Australian with several blows that made him crash headlong.
“Moments later, the referee, expressing fatherly sympathy, stopped the fight to prevent an obituary. After the ordeal, Fenech’s fairly handsome face was full of newly constructed hills, valley, ox-bow lakes, whatever.
“I noticed that his nose was very tired and it had a miniature volcano sitting restlessly on it. Obviously, Jeff’s wife will have to nurse that nose back to its normal shape. But I’ll advise her not to use iodine, otherwise her dear husband will wail like a banshee.”
During the past year and even before, students in second cycle institutions became riotous. ‘BOARDING SCHOOL PALAVER’ dilated on some of the causes of indiscipline among students.
“In those days, we were coming home for vacation taller and fatter. These days when students are back from school, you’d think they’ve just been released from a concentration camp… And the reason the school authorities give for punishing the students nutritionally is that the boarding fees they pay are grossly inadequate to make them grow tall.
“Until recently, students were paying $90 per day, and such an amount was only capable of making the students become very religious, because they were virtually fasting throughout the term.”
I referred to the good old days when we were in secondary school. The beans factor in those days was very much acknowledged. Already full of protein, the beans normally had insects, especially weevils in them. And the cooks were careful enough not to remove the insects, but to cook them together with the beans to increase the protein content. I guess the matron was often told that weevils were very good for students, especially first years.
“I usually went home to be told by my mother that I was growing like a whiteman’s fowl. Some people even thought I was eating fertilizer imported from Holland. When my mother became alarmed at my increasing height, l explained the situation to her.
“Mama, it’s not me-o! It is the beans. Too many weevils in them.’ And she became amused.”
Last year when the politics really did begin, many forgot that there was something called kenkey- politics. ‘THE MELODRAMA OF PARTY POLITICS’ highlighted the term.
“When it comes to kenkey-politics, Kofi Owuo, alias Death-By-Poverty is the champion. He knows he’ll sweep how to deal with politics of the stomach in such a way that when he is bellyful after attacking a heavy mound of banku with okro soup and tilapia, he doesn’t care whether or not it is Mari Djata who is ruling the country.
Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s remains were reinterred at a time when his disciples were in disarray. The title of my article on July 4, was ‘Nkrumah, His Examples and Disciple’.
“Today, the Osagyefo is both loved and hated. Those who hate him do not want to hear of his name. Those who love him are not united. The bones of the Osagyefo lie restless in his new tomb, while his disunited disciples continue invoking his ghost to ‘help’ win the presidential and parliamentary elections.
“But supposing the ghost of the Osagyefo really appeared to the disciples at a party meeting to admonish them to get united, would everybody sit down quietly and listen to the message?
In any case the question of who wins the presidential sprint race was brought to the fore but not before Captain Kojo Tsikata (rtd) ‘died’; He died in Sikaman and resurrected in Iran from where he boarded a plane to the Kotoka International Airport.
“His resurrection’ might have brought joy to his disciples, family and admirers and fear into the people whose hearts are fond of planning coups… the oldman has a reputation as having the kind of nose that can smell out where people are planning against the Flight Lieutenant.”
The political race was clearly between Professor Adu Boahen of NPP and Flight Lieutenant J. J. Rawlings, Sikaman Palava predicted on their chances.
The great Professor Adu Boahen is causing sensation wherever he treads. His rallies are electrifying. But it appears the party is more magnetic than the presidential candidate himself… He is not as vibrant as his followers would want him to be. In any case, he is one of the most likely candidates to win the race because of his popularity among a large section of Ghanaians.
“Professor Adu Boahen is going to win numerous votes in Ashanti, Greater Accra, Central and Western. As for Volta, especially Akatsi and Amedzofe, he should not expect a miracle. He should also avoid Afram Plains.
“And what about Flight Lieutenant Rawlings? Kojo T is back to life so he doesn’t have to be worried about state security. Rawlings is liked, often intensely, by many Ghanaians… He has charisma and a rather supervise a large following. He is a brilliant orator and is able to successfully appeal to the emotions of the people. His magnetic qualities seem legendary. I hear many are getting converted when they hear him talk.
“He will not do well in the cities, however. His votes are in the countryside and that is where he is going to harvest what he deserves. You know sown there-electricity, potable water, etc.
He will flop in Accra that was a joint thing and Ashanti because of Adu Boahen and Kwabena Darko, But he’ll sweep clean Volta, Brong Ahafo, North, Upper East, Upper West. And his wife will take care of the women. “He is one of the most likely candidates to carry the day if Dr Bilson’s court action backfires.”
After the presidential election, the parliamentary polls were due. TO PARLIAMENT was the title of my article on November 28.
“In due course of time, candidates will be elected to the National Assembly and then parliamentarians can start sending yoke to Parliament House to prove that the ordinary man’s stomach has problems with its elasticity.
“So when you see a parliamentarian in a fitting suit, carrying a briefcase, don’t think it contains only carbon paper, jotters and the constitution of Sikaman. You’ll be making a sad mistake.
“In fact, the briefcase may also contain various sizes of kenkey balls, different species of fish and red pepper, on which the day’s parliamentary debate will be based, to determine the extent to which man is facing the ‘weather’.
“To this an opponent will counter, ‘Mr Speaker, if you’ll permit me, I’d like to say that our honourable colleague has not made any point at all, although he looks smart in his political suit. The fact is that if his children who are probably in JSS are gluttons and eat like pigs that is no concern of this house. It is a family disease.
“So Mr Speaker, I think the honourable colleague’s contention is tantamount to behaving like a ball of kenkey and I should think the matter be put at rest.”
The review of the past year ends here. See you next week!!!
By Merari Alomele
Ghana-Colombia strengthens ties through diplomatic engagement

In an important diplomatic engagement, the Colombian Ambassador to Ghana H.E. Daniel Garces Carabali paid a courtesy call on the Minister for the Interior, Muntaka Mohammed-Mubarak, at his office in Accra to discuss some key areas of collaboration.
The meeting focused on pressing issues, including security, decongestion of Ghana’s prisons, prison reform programmes, training programmes, improving the welfare of prisoners and enhancing disaster management in the country.
The courtesy call underscores the growing bilateral ties between Ghana and Colombia, building on previous engagements, such as the visit of the Colombian Vice President to Ghana in 2023.
The meeting demonstrates the commitment of both nations to fostering cooperation and addressing shared challenges.
Ghana to host African Catholic Journalists from August 10

The Union Catholique Africaine de la Presse (UCAP), also known as the African Catholic Union of the Press, in collaboration with the Catholic Association of Media Practitioners-Ghana (CAMP-G), is set to host its prestigious Triennial Congress from August 10 to 17 August, 2025.
The programme would be held at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Legon, Accra, Ghana.
This landmark event, the most significant gathering of Catholic journalists in Africa, will bring together media professionals, researchers, and experts in digital technology from across the continent and beyond.
The theme for the Congress is: “Balancing Technological Progress and the Preservation of Human Values in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.”
Congress Highlights
The UCAP Congress 2025 will feature discussions and deliberations on critical issues arising from or related to integral human development, particularly within the framework of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Some of the key sub-themes to be addressed include:Corporate Social Responsibility in Managing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Values, Deploying AI in Eco-friendly Business Start-ups in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges, Technology and the Reprogramming of Social Reality, Distortion of Reality in Social and Digital Media, Ecological Education and Action Against Unsustainable Exploitation of Natural Resources, and Media and the Promotion of the Recommendations of the Synod on Synodality in Africa.
Participants will include media professionals from both ecclesiastical and lay organisations, media researchers and academics, representatives from the Vatican, government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the digital technology sector.
Objectives of the Congress
The primary goal of this Congress is to strengthen the capacities of media professionals and educate the public on the necessity of preserving human values amid rapid technological progress. Specific objectives include; Training 100 media practitioners in Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies, with a focus on balancing innovation and human values.
This will include promoting ethics and bioethics in technical research and technological innovations through media.
Advocating for human values such as respect for life, human dignity, charity, solidarity, and human rights and assessing the impact of technological progress to better understand the challenges, risks, and opportunities presented by AI will be part of the objectives.
UCAP is a continental organisation dedicated to promoting communication within the Catholic Church and its partners in Africa. With a mission to foster spiritual growth, collaboration, and responsible journalism, UCAP works to spread the Gospel, uphold human values, and support developmental initiatives across Africa and beyond.
UCAP is an independent, autonomous, non-political, and non-profit organisation comprising African Catholic journalists, communicators, academics, researchers, and institutions in various media fields.