Peace perfect peace
In this world, the most important thing is a peaceful environment in whatever endeavour you are engaged in.
Market women sell various items to the general public which plays a very important role in our socio-economic development. A visit to the ministries, will show civil servants going about their normal duties.
I believe people will go to church to worship God this Sunday and I believe others shall go to the Mosque on Friday to pray to Allah.
In the mornings, we will find people engaged in jogging as a way of exercising their bodies. All these activities cannot happen in a chaotic environment and therefore peace is essential in our everyday lives.
Peace, perfect peace, is therefore a requirement for the people in this country to go on with their lives.
I attended church service last Sunday, which was a day after elections. This would not have been possible in a chaotic environment.
I could go to church because there was peace in the immediate environs of the church and in Accra as a whole. I was given a role to play in church so Sunday was one of the memorable days in my life and I could not have experienced such a moment had peace not reigned after the elections last Saturday.
We need to congratulate ourselves as Ghanaians for going through yet another election where power has been or is being transferred from an incumbent party to the opposition party.
This is what is expected of us as Ghanaians, given our accommodating nature. The processes of our electoral system must be improved so that issues that gave ruse to pockets of disagreement at some polling stations and some collation centres will stop.
We should be thankful to God for a peaceful country after the elections. We must commend ourselves again for the generally peaceful post elections atmosphere and this must be sustained in subsequent elections so our credentials as democratic icon in Africa shall remain untainted.
The leadership of the various political parties must embark on serious educational drive to endure that their supporters recognise the need to maintain peace after elections. There has been reports of looting and disturbances in various places including government institutions. These must be frowned upon by all well-meaning Ghanaians.
We should not indulge in criminal acts and such incidents must be dealt with by the appropriate security agencies so the peace we all have enjoyed over the years shall be sustained.
There is a song in the Methodist Hymn Book which says Peace Perfect Peace In this Dark World of Sin … which is a reminder that we need peace because we are in a world of continuous turmoil.
We need to make a conscious effort to create a peaceful environment in our communities and by extension throughout the country. We should all realise that until Jesus comes, elections will take place every four years and is not something that should not allowed to divide us as a people and cause us to lose the peace we enjoy.
Let us all make up our minds that we shall never allow elections to divide us and create tension in our communities but will always strive for Peace, Perfect Peace.